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Kasbarian, Chouldjian To Speak At 'ANC Grassroots' Panel On Karabagh

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  • Kasbarian, Chouldjian To Speak At 'ANC Grassroots' Panel On Karabagh


    Aremnian Weekly
    Wed, Nov 2 2011

    GLENDALE, Calif.-The Armenian National Committee-Western Region
    (ANC-WR) recently announced that Antranig Kasbarian and Elizabeth
    Chouldjian will join Robert Avetisyan, the Permanent Representative
    of the Nagorno Karabagh Republic (NKR), as panelists in "Homeland
    and the Diaspora: From Challenges to Solutions," which will cover the
    self-determination movements in Karabagh, the civil and human rights
    movement in Javakhk, as well as how the Armenian Diaspora can continue
    to play a significant role in the democratization of Armenia and the
    region. The presentation is part of the ANC Grassroots weekend that
    will take place from Fri., Nov. 25 to Sun., Nov. 27 at the Sheraton
    Universal Hotel.

    Antranig Kasbarian Antranig Kasbarian has been active in Armenian
    affairs for most of his life. Over the past 20 years, he has been
    a lecturer, activist, and community leader in the Eastern U.S. He
    has also worked regularly as a journalist, activist, and researcher
    in Karabagh. He is a former editor of the Armenian Weekly, and has
    held various positions within the Armenian Revolutionary Federation
    (ARF). He holds a Ph.D. in geography from Rutgers University, where he
    currently teaches a course on Karabagh. His doctoral dissertation dealt
    with the geography of nationalism during the 1988-94 war in Karabagh,
    based largely on his own experiences on the ground. He has published
    widely on Karabagh in both academic journals and the press. He joined
    the Tufenkian Foundation in 2003, launching its program in Karabagh
    focusing on economic recovery and refugee resettlement, and now serves
    as executive director.

    Elizabeth Chouldjian has been the communications director of the
    Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) based in Washington,
    D.C. for more than 15 years, and had previously worked in the Bay Area
    ANC offices. She recently represented the ANCA in Javakhk, where she
    and ANCA Chairman Ken Hachikian met with Georgian and U.S. government
    officials, civil society organizations, and NGOs in order to address
    political, cultural, educational, and other rights of the Armenian
    community in Georgia.

    Kasbarian and Chouldjian will join Robert Avetisyan, who will discuss
    the history of the Karabagh conflict, the legal and humanitarian
    aspects of the creation of the NKR, the war unleashed by Azerbaijan,
    the negotiation process, as well as the current situation in Karabagh
    and in the region in general. as Permanent Representative of the
    Nagorno Karabakh Republic, Avetisyan has continuously affirmed
    Karabagh's commitment to finding a peaceful solution to the conflict
    with Azerbaijan, and has maintained that the recognition of Karabagh's
    independence neither violates the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan,
    nor threatens its existence.

    The three-day ANC Grassroots program is a groundbreaking weekend of
    workshops and panel presentations that will educate the community
    about civic leadership arising from grassroots efforts. ANC Grassroots
    will bookend the ANC-WR Annual Banquet, which will take place on
    Sat., Nov. 26 at 7 p.m. The conference and Annual Banquet are open
    to interested individuals throughout the entire United States, and
    participants are encouraged to register early. \

    Due to a generous contribution by an anonymous donor the ANC has
    announced a significant reduction in ticket prices. Tickets for ANC
    Grassroots, which includes the Friday night cocktail in the Starview
    Room, as well as conference sessions on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday,
    which include breakfast, post-banquet dance, and the keynote luncheon
    on Sunday, are $49. Students with valid ID can purchase discounted
    tickets for $39.

    Tickets for the Annual Banquet are $200. Students with valid ID can
    purchase discounted tickets for $150.

    For more information, to register and purchase tickets,

    From: Baghdasarian