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Kick-Off Of The Hayastan Fund Telethon Season In Toronto Has Opened

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  • Kick-Off Of The Hayastan Fund Telethon Season In Toronto Has Opened


    Noyan Tapan

    Yerevan, November 3, 2011-On October 30, the Toronto affiliate of the
    Hayastan All-Armenian Fund organized a concert at the "Hay kentron"
    complex with Toronto area young musicians, dancers and singers,
    with the slogan : "A CULTURAL BRIDGE, from Toronto to Shushi; from
    the second best city in the world to the BEST ".

    The programme included opera, classical, folk and jazz. According to
    the Head of the Toronto chapter, Migirdich Migirdichian there were
    21 musicians between the ages of 14 - 28 having graduated the Toronto
    local conservatories who performed beautifully. "As I was watching the
    show, I was saying to myself - imagine a concert at the Cultural centre
    opening ceremony in Shushi: one young performer from Artsakh followed
    by another from Toronto, and then another one from Artsakh followed by
    Toronto and so on, and at the very end they all perform together. This
    was a nice opportunity for young performers to be with Himnadram and
    to contribute to the vital projects in Armenia and Artsakh personally."

    There were some 400 people in the auditorium who raised .000 for the
    Shushi Cultural centre renovation project.

    The Toronto Chapter of Hayastan Fund has been functioning very
    actively since its founding in 1992. To-date Toronto chapter has
    realized 40 large and small projects primarily in Artsakh and also
    some in Armenia. Amongst them are 5 brand new schools, 2 school
    renovations, bringing water to 11 villages and towns, including to
    Stepanakert and natural gas networks for 4 villages. The affiliate
    currently has 4 projects on the go : re-building the Education and
    Cultural Centre of Shushi, building the Community/Medical Centre of
    Drakhtik village, renovation of Sourp Krikor Loussavoritch Hospital's
    Nephrology (Kidney) department and the renovation of two floors of
    Nork Old Age Home in Yerevan.

    HayastanAll Armenian Fund

    There is no specific time for contributing to the vital work of
    the Hayastan All-Armenian Fund. To make a donation, please visit

    From: A. Papazian