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Threat Of Absolutism

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  • Threat Of Absolutism

    Naira Hayrumyan

    Story from News:
    Published: 12:43:06 - 03/11/2011

    Hovik Abrahamyan, underlining the importance of the upcoming
    elections in Armenia, stated that it is important to hold free and
    democratic elections from the point of European integration. The
    German ambassador to Armenia also stated that the upcoming elections
    may play an important role regarding the EU Association Agreement.

    What can "hinder" Serzh Sargsyan to hold free and fair elections
    without prejudice to himself and the current status of the Republican

    In the beginning it was predicted that the obstacle could be the
    force led by Levon Ter-Petrosyan, which threatened to take all active
    citizens to streets. But, judging by the situation, Serzh Sargsyan
    succeeded in neutralizing that force through the dialogue, or maybe,
    even with the help of a promise to "pick out" several parliamentary
    seats for them. It is already evident that Ter-Petrosyan accepted the
    new rules of the game - if formerly the Armenian National Congress
    dwelt on the change of power and full transformation of the system,
    now it announces about pursuing as many parliamentary seats as to be
    able to launch impeachment. So, it is necessary to presume that if
    the Congress solves this task and receives 15% of mandates, it will
    have no reason to argue the election outcome.

    Who else can "hinder" the free elections? Retired oligarchs who used
    to bring votes for the Republican Party? But Serzh Sargsyan is trying
    not to offend them and not to become hostile to them. Though they
    have no political support to which they could go if offended by Serzh
    Sargsyan. Behind the scene, Kocharyan's internal-governmental pole
    had almost been formed but now the lawmakers of the Prosperous Armenia
    Party can breathe freely - they don't have to go to the opposition. It
    has been agreed that they will be allies for another 5-6 years. And
    they will again help the Republicans to receive votes to at least
    maintain the current number of seats. If in spring Tsarukyan used to
    say that he was going to get an overwhelming majority in parliament,
    now he has significantly lowered the bar.

    It is noteworthy that the society is happy that Serzh Sargsyan was
    able to repress Kocharyan's ambitions. Interestingly, such moods can
    be observed within the opposition too. It is good that Kocharyan's
    forces failed to "break through" but Serzh Sargsyan's "victory"
    means that absolutism will be kept and strengthened in the country.

    Now, each will consider it their duty to give an oath of loyalty to
    Serzh Sargsyan or at least not to "hinder" him. The vertical of the
    authorities is becoming stronger, and it is only left to find out
    whether Armenia is happy with such alignment of forces. In spring,
    the society had a chance to break down the absolute vertical and to
    create a real multi-polar parliament which could reflect the interests
    of the citizens and could have counterbalances. But there is still
    a chance evidence to which is the words of the ANC representative
    that the involvement in the parliament is necessary to achieve Serzh
    Sargsyan's resignation.

    But we thought the parliament had to have leverages of influence on
    state arbitrary decisions, to deprive the president of absolute power
    and make him take into account the society. If the parliament is this
    way, the society can accept any president, even Serzh Sargsyan.

    So, nothing "hinders" to hold free and fair elections in spring. Sure
    if, nothing changes in the approaches of political forces in these
    months and if they do not realize the danger of absolutism in the
