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BAKU: Military Doctrine Of The Republic Of Turkey - Analyse

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  • BAKU: Military Doctrine Of The Republic Of Turkey - Analyse

    Nov 3 2011

    South Caucasus and Caspian Sea region being a sensitive and
    complicated area from the geo-political, geo-strategic, geo-economic
    and geo-cultural point of view, open for foreign influences in a great
    extent. Military doctrines of regional countries and their defense
    and military policies implemented based on these doctrines also play
    significant role in establishment and development of regional peace
    and stability, as well as on the contrary in violation of stability,
    in creation of tension and confrontations, crisis and conflicts in
    the whole region.

    Military doctrine being an officially announced system of views in
    state's military security field. determines political-military,
    political-strategic and political-economic basis of its military
    security, including the directions of combat preparation of state
    and armed force, methods and forms of its implementation.

    The provisions of military doctrine of every state may alter depending
    on thorough change of military security environment, military-political
    situation, as well as on internal political development and radical
    changes regarding strategic choice. In this regard, revision and
    update of military doctrine from time to time is expectable. In order
    to evaluate influence of military doctrinal views on establishment
    of peace and stability, development of freedom and democracy, people
    welfare integration in South Caucasus, first of all military doctrines'
    of the region countries (Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan), as well as
    military doctrines of Russia, Iran and Turkey, which have traditional
    interests in the region should be studies and evaluated in this regard.

    The Center of Military Analyses and Research has prepared the document
    "Military doctrines of regional countries - stability or the threat
    of confrontation?" by support Open Society Institute - Assistance
    Foundation. Today we publish the Military Doctrine of the Republic
    of Turkey.

    Military Doctrine of the Republic of Turkey

    Official views system in the field of military security of Turkish
    Republic (TR) finds its reflection in the "Political document about
    National Security" (Milli guvE~Ynlik siyasE~Yt bölgusu- MGSB). TR
    MGSB came into force after its signing by the President in March, 2006.

    According to MGSB, TR military-doctrinal views named "defense policy"
    consists of mainly in two parts:

    - national security strategy (clarifies social-political side of
    military doctrine) and

    - consists of national military strategy (regulates military-technical
    side of military doctrine).

    TR military doctrine has a defensive character.

    The main provisions of TR defensive policy are the followings:

    - TR independence, territorial integrity and guarantee of defense of
    Republic form structure of the society;

    - to prevent crisis and conflicts, to use all opportunities for
    prevention of their creation, including the implementation of all
    measures in order to decrease international tension;

    - to take active part in collective security system, to fulfill all
    obligations taken by TR.

    NATO takes the first place in international guarantee of TR military
    security. In general, the membership to NATO is the basis of TR
    military doctrine. Active participation of the country in NATO
    implies collective guarantee of TR security, getting of additional
    opportunities for implementation of foreign and military policy by the
    support of allies. In this regard, national armed forces take active
    part in NATO peacekeeping operations, NATO-Turkey military trainings.

    The last periods, stirring up defense policy of Turkey and in this
    regard, order of showing initiative to Armed Forces and carrying out
    the intensive trainings in the region may be considered one of the
    positive steps implemented in the direction of peace and stability.

    According to the Military Doctrine, TR defense policy, national
    security strategy is based on 3 conceptual idea. These are:

    - without using forces and Armed Forces guarantee of national security,
    protect potential able to prevent threat and dangers ("deterrence
    strategy"), to keep Armed Forces in high combat preparation level
    and to provide thoroughly;

    - to manage crisis (political, military, humanitarian and so on),
    to take military and non-military measures in advance, to prevent
    expected threat and dangers (to give preference in using of mainly
    non-military ways and methods in the settlement of these issues);

    - and to create the security environment on perimeter, along the
    border, which will guarantee peace with neighbor countries (with
    setting existed crisis, preventing expected crisis).

    The first and second provisions of TR military doctrinal views
    ("deterrence strategy" and preventive defense policy) are strategic
    conceptual views adopted by the U.S and NATO.

    The third main provision of defense strategy came from AK party
    government's "zero problem" policy with neighbors.

    As it can be seen, the target of democratic Turkey's military-political
    leadership is creation "peace and security zone" around its
    country. This also serves to creation of efficient conditions for
    regional peace and stability, reinforcement of security, as well
    as development of and expansion of democracy in South-East Europe,
    Central Asia and S. Caucasus.

    TR national military strategy, military-technical side of military
    doctrine is based on the following four main conceptual ideas:

    - high combat preparation of Armed Forces and its keeping in combat
    power, comprehensive technical supply;

    - to go to the decisive actions in order to use ordinary arms, to
    carry out operations;

    - to be able to carry out limited scale military operations; - to
    carry out "something other, not only war" operations (or "something
    other than war" operations), in other words, to avoid the war .

    Analyze of existed global and regional military-political situations
    and its expected development prospects, appearing of new tendencies and
    development risk, changing of character of threat and dangers brought
    to determination of TR's role and place and principle alterations in
    military doctrine.

    According to MGCB at present Turkish Armed Forces have been prepared
    on condition not "two of the five", but "one of the five" war,
    that is, high intensity war with one foreign enemy or conflict,
    including readiness to large-scaled combat actions with internal
    separatist groups.

    Turkey, taking into account, short and average term development
    prospects until today and 2015-2020 adjusted its military-doctrinal
    views to new strategic conditions. TR MD stipulates that Armed Forces
    can participate in two wars, both within the structures of united arms
    (NATO) and independently can take part in local war.

    TR military doctrine fundamentally differs from other regional
    states by giving preference to internal threats in evaluation of
    the threats to military security. In MGSB of TR "traditionally"
    radical Islamists, kurds, separatists and ultra left movements are
    included into the supposed internal threats. These threats along with
    considering priority near foreign threats, are still continue to be
    potential security.

    Giving preference to internal threats relates to, on the one hand
    with providing of TR international security in high level, membership
    to NATO and completing of cold war, on the other hand, with its
    having high combat ability and powerful army with "deterrence"
    capability. In any case, absence of threats from regional countries
    among the foreign threats in the military doctrine may assessed
    positive from the viewpoint of regional peace and security, stability.

    It is the first time that Turkey's not seeing of any neighbor
    country as a source of threat from the military view in short and
    long prospects principally is noted in MGSB of Turkey. However,
    considering some neighbor countries situating in TR perimeter, it is
    noted in MGSB that "some countries also may be the source of danger
    and challenge to separate threats. In order to prevent them, firstly,
    the political-diplomatic methods will be used by the support of army
    potential". Among the such threats and challenges to threats, the
    confrontation in Greece on Cyprus problem, air, land borders with it,
    problems of The Aegean Sea basin are also noted in the document.

    Anxieties on efforts for the development of Iranian missile and
    nuclear program are particularly noted in MGSB.

    Probability of Dagliq Qarabag conflict's (which is also important for
    regional peace and stability) again intensification's taking place
    in MGSB of TR should be assessed positive.

    TR gives significance to the development of relations in international
    guarantee of military security with NATO as well as the U.S. and EU,
    including member countries.

    Relations with the U.S, which is the leader of global power and NATO
    are considered among the preferences of TR foreign policy, as well as
    the first importance of its military security policy. Development of
    TR-U.S relations, especially coordination of their S. Caucasus policies
    is one of the factors having a positive effect on regional stability.

    Support of TR together with the U.S. to independency, territorial
    integrity and sovereignty of S. Caucasus states, their joint
    efforts to peaceful solution of regional conflicts, development of
    democracy and security in the region, these states' integration to
    Europe and Euro-Atlantic institutions, Georgian membership to NATO,
    strengthening of military security of Azerbaijan and Georgia and
    implementation of regional projects of strategic importance, decrease
    of RF military participation in the region and removing of regional
    military-political disbalance serve to establishment of regional
    stability and reinforcement of security.

    Pursuing of these two allies' different lines in some issues in
    regional policy (for instance, the Georgian crisis in 2008, nuclear
    program of Iran, Armenian-Azerbaijan conflict, normalization of
    TR-Armenia relations and other issues) first of all serves to the
    interests of forces, which play destructive role in the region.

    TR and U.S' (which are member of NATO, at the same time, are
    democratic and ally states) formation of common views, removing of
    existed difference of opinions and carrying out coordinated policy,
    would have a positive effect on settlement of conflicts, inter-regional
    integration, regional stability, security and development of democracy,
    as a whole, positive development of the region.

    Membership to European Union and its participation in military security
    establishments are also one of the main priorities of Turkish foreign
    and security policy.

    South Caucasus. Azerbaijan takes special place in foreign policy of
    Turkey and relations between two fraternal states, which are natural
    allies have a strategic character. On the date of August 16, 2010 by
    the treaty "about strategic partnership and mutual assistance between
    the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Turkey" concluded in
    Baku, the relations were formalized.

    According to the 2-nd article of this treaty, which also expresses
    the sides' adhering to Qars Treaty dated on October 13, 1921:
    "In case of one of the sides' subjecting to armed attack by third
    state or a group of states, the Sides came to the agreement about
    rendering mutual assistance to each other with aim of implementing
    all necessary measures within the frames of existed opportunities,
    including applying of all military power and opportunities in order to
    implement their individual or collective self-defense right recognized
    by the article 51 of UN Charter. The form and volume of assistance
    will be agreed between the Sides without dating".

    As it can be seen, TR-Azerbaijan official relations, which have
    a strategic character were very approached to military-political
    allies relations.

    Ankara thoroughly supports Georgian independency, sovereignty and
    territorial integrity, intends to achieve mediation in Abkhazia
    and South Ossetia negotiations. TR, which have a close relations
    with Georgia in military and military-technical field, attempts to
    strengthening of its armed forces. TR also supports Georgian membership
    to NATO.

    TR's development of military security relations with Azerbaijan and
    Georgia, as a whole directed to normalization of military-political
    disbalance, establishment of regional peace and stability in S.

    Turkey also tries to find the ways of normalization of relations with
    Armenia, which does not intend to reject of "genocide" and territorial
    claims, which is in war situation with Azerbaijan.

    Based on real policy and taking into account complicated and sensitive
    military-political situation in the region, TR gives a preference to
    development of diversified partnership relations with Russia as well.

    Joint interests and common problems for TR and Russian (Black Sea
    and problems around it, especially undesirability of existence of
    Military Naval Forces here by the countries around Black Sea, Iraq,
    Syria, Near East issues and issues regarding Iranian nuclear program)
    also create positive conditions for development of bilateral relations.

    Development of bilateral relations between Turkey and Russia, which
    came to great agreements in energy, as well as nuclear energy field,
    may have a positive effect on development of region by creating
    favorable conditions for joint cooperation in South Caucasus.

    The Center of Military Analyses and Research
