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Images Of Armenia

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  • Images Of Armenia

    By Cliff Newell

    West Linn Tidings
    Nov 3 2011

    Lake Oswego's Emily Haas wins Peace Corps award with her photos
    depicting a country still in the grips of tragedy

    Emily Haas is such a fine photographer that she captured Armenia at
    its very best.

    One of her photos shows a picturesque town set in front of rolling
    mountains, a place where you would want to live, not just visit. A
    visual fairytale. More like a painting than a photograph.

    However, many other photographs by the young Lake Oswego woman search
    beneath the postcard surface and show an ancient nation ravaged by
    centuries of war, haunted by its Communist past and plagued by the
    vast corruption of today.

    Yet Haas' close-up shots of the faces of elderly people of the village
    are perhaps the truest portrait of Armenia, showing not just suffering
    but warmth and hospitality. They bring you right up to the table of
    an old Armenian lady, close enough to sit down and have a cup of tea
    with her, as Haas did in an award-winning shot.

    "It was such a unique experience," said Haas, 25, who spent two years
    in Armenia as a volunteer with the Peace Corps, returning this August.

    "You live with the Armenian people. It was a great opportunity that
    you don't get very often.

    "Armenians are very hospitable. They bring out absolutely everything
    they have."

    Sometimes Armenians were too hospitable in Yeghegnadzor, the town
    where Haas lived. One mother was constantly coming over to Haas'
    little apartment and asking Haas to marry her son.

    Fortunately, Haas could speak Armenian and could politely but firmly
    reject the mother's request every time.

    Haas' main purpose with the Peace Corps was to help create a media
    center, which was a very difficult job. Once dominated for decades
    by the Soviet Union, Armenia had no history of freedom of the press.

    "It was extremely frustrating," Haas said. "But now, thanks to the
    media center, not only are the people of the Vayots Dzor region
    consuming real, local news, they are also learning of events via a
    very new - to them - technology: the Internet."

    When not on the job, Haas took her camera and sought to capture her
    host nation, something she was quite qualified to do since she had
    just earned her degree in photo journalism from the University of
    Montana. She discovered much in Armenia that is good.

    "The creativity of the people is amazing," Haas said. "They are so
    hard working, and their land is very fertile. They grow apricots,
    pomegranates and grapes. Churchill used to drink Armenian cognac."

    On the other hand, Armenia is a country with lots of troubles.

    "Ever since the fall of the Soviet Union their borders have been
    closed, except for Georgia and Iran," Haas said. "The corruption is
    terrible. Most of the money goes into the oligarchs' pockets. There
    is much censorship."

    Most of all, Armenia is a nation that cannot escape from its tragic

    "It's a fascinating place, but the people have a sadness over wars and
    hardships," Haas said. "There are churches and fortresses everywhere,
    some of them from the ninth century."

    The worst tragedy that happened to Armenians was the genocide that has
    never been admitted by the nation that did it. One million Armenians
    were killed by Turkey during World War I. Some of Haas' most moving
    photos show the Armenian Genocide Memorial, with flower petals being
    spread to reperesent the countless victims.

    These many woes made Haas have even more compassion for the Armenian
    people. They also made her appreciate her native country much more.

    "I'm a lot more positive about the USA than before I went there,"
    Haas said. "We have it pretty good here. There is so much corruption
    in Armenia, but we have a system that can prevent too much of that
    from happening here."

    There was one more thing Haas gained from her two years in Armenia
    - winning the Peace Corps' 50th anniversary photo contest with her
    photo of her fellow Peace Corps volunteer Danny Lovell sitting down
    to have tea with his grandmother.

    It is truly a lovely, evocative shot, capturing an everyday occurrence
    in its full warmth and depth, just like a photo that would appear in
    National Geographic.

    But to truly appreciate Emily Haas' accomplishment in Armenia you
    must view many, many more of her photos. Her lens captured the
    soul of a nation. To see more of her work, check out her blog at .
