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Getty Loses Bid To Dismiss Art-Restitution Lawsuit

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  • Getty Loses Bid To Dismiss Art-Restitution Lawsuit


    Los Angeles Times
    Nov 4 2011

    The J. Paul Getty Trust is squaring off against the Armenian Orthodox
    Church in Los Angeles County Superior Court, and on Thursday the church
    won the first important procedural round in its bid to reclaim eight
    prized medieval manuscripts (a detail is pictured above) it contends
    were stolen goods when the Getty bought them for $950,000 in 1994.

    The Getty tried to have the suit dismissed on statute-of-limitations
    grounds, arguing that church officials were aware of the manuscripts'
    whereabouts by 1952 and should have sued at that time, when they were
    owned by an Armenian-American family in Massachusetts -- the heirs
    of a man who had brought them out of the province of Cilicia as the
    Ottoman Turks were expelling the province's Armenian population during
    the World War I-era Armenian genocide.

    Superior Court Judge Abraham Khan denied the Getty's motion, saying
    that it was "not clear" that church officials knew what the Getty says
    they knew when it says they knew it. He said the statute-of-limitations
    law could come into play in a future hearing but that he would want
    to hear evidence about the complicated path the 755-year-old pages
    took starting in 1916, when they were separated from a larger bible
    known as the Zeyt'un Gospels.

    The Getty's pages are lavishly illustrated Canon Tables -- citations
    of parallel verses from the four New Testament gospels, which served
    as a kind of frontispiece for the bible created in 1256 by T'oros
    Roslin, considered the greatest Armenian manuscript illuminator.

    The church aims to make the Zeyt'un Gospels whole again by winning back
    the missing pages from the Getty and sending them to the Matenadaran,
    a major manuscript museum in the Armenian capital of Yerevan, which
    has housed the rest of the Zeyt'un Gospels since the late 1960s.

    Here's the full story about the decision. It includes a rarity in the
    controversy-shy, ultra-cautious art-museum world: Columba Stewart,
    executive director of the Hill Museum & Manuscript Library at Saint
    John's University in Minnesota and a Benedictine monk, is openly
    calling on the Getty to repatriate a contested masterpiece. Stewart
    says the issue shouldn't be decided by legalities, but by the ethical
    imperative of turning a fragmented artwork into one that's whole.

    Under a California law that was passed last year and pertains
    solely to allegedly stolen artworks owned by museums or art dealers,
    plaintiffs have six years to sue after they discover a missing work's
    whereabouts. The Getty says the clock has long since run out because
    the owner, the Lebanon-based branch of the Armenian Orthodox Church
    known as the Holy See of Cilicia, knew where the missing pages were
    by mid-century. Attorneys for the church dispute that, saying that
    the church didn't even realize until 2006 that the bible housed in
    Yerevan was missing its front pages.

    The new law greatly relaxes the statute of limitations, which had
    started the clock running not when victimized former owners actually
    knew where their allegedly stolen art was, but at the time when they
    should have known if they were being reasonably vigilant about tracking
    down what they'd lost.

    Under the old standard, the clock (which at the time called for a
    three-year deadline rather than six years) might well have begun
    running in 1994. That's when the Zeyt'un Gospels pages were loaned
    anonymously to an exhibition at the Pierpont Morgan Library in New
    York and the Walters Art Museum in Baltimore. The Getty bought them
    the same year.

    In its motion to dismiss the suit, which Khan denied, the Getty also
    contended that the new statute-of-limitations law is unconstitutional
    because it singles out museums and art dealers and does not include
    private owners of art. Arguing that displaying art is a form of free
    speech protected under the 1st Amendment, the Getty said the new
    law improperly penalizes museums and galleries for exercising their
    free-speech rights.

    Countering in court pleadings, the church's attorneys wrote that
    "exhibiting stolen property is not protected under the First
    Amendment," and argued that the California Legislature legitimately
    can hold museums and art delears to a higher standard than the general
    public when it comes to possession of stolen artworks.

    The judge said the constitutional argument didn't need to be addressed
    in his ruling Thursday.
