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China Opposes Use Of Force Against Iran Over Nuclear Program

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  • China Opposes Use Of Force Against Iran Over Nuclear Program


    November 4, 2011 - 20:24 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - China urged Iran on Friday, Nov 4 to show flexibility
    over its controversial nuclear program and warned that the use of
    force to resolve the issue was the last thing the Middle East needed
    at the moment.

    The United States, Britain and France have turned up the pressure on
    Tehran ahead of next week's release of a keenly awaited U.N. report
    that may offer new details about the military side of Iran's nuclear

    Washington and its European allies suspect Iran is developing the
    capability to produce atomic weapons under cover of a civilian nuclear
    energy program. Iran denies wanting atom bombs and insists its program
    is for generating electricity.

    Russia and China have urged the U.N. nuclear watchdog chief to
    give Iran time to study and respond to allegations of possible
    military-linked atomic activities before he publishes the report.

    Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei told a daily news briefing
    that China did not condone any Middle Eastern country developing
    nuclear weapons.

    "The International Atomic Energy Agency should adopt an impartial and
    objective stance and seek positive cooperation with Iran to clarify
    certain questions," Hong said. "Iran should also show flexibility
    and sincerity and have earnest cooperation with the IAEA."

    The IAEA's report is expected to unveil detailed intelligence pointing
    to military dimensions of Iran's nuclear program, while stopping
    short of saying explicitly that Tehran is trying to build such weapons.

    The United States and Israel have repeatedly hinted at the possible
    use of force against Iranian nuclear sites, eliciting threats of
    fierce retaliation from the Islamic Republic. Hong said that would
    be a very bad idea.

    "China opposes the use of force or the threat of the use of force in
    international affairs. At present, avoiding any new upheaval in the
    Middle East is extremely important." China would play a "constructive
    role" in pushing for the peaceful resolution of the Iran nuclear
    issue by diplomatic means, Hong added.

    Russia and China have backed four rounds of U.N. sanctions on Iran
    since 2006 over its refusal to halt sensitive nuclear work that could
    have both civilian and military uses.

    But they criticized the United States and the European Union last
    year for taking extra unilateral steps against Iran and Moscow has
    signaled its opposition to any new U.N. Security Council sanctions,
    Reuters reported.
