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CIA Admits To Monitoring Facebook, Twitter Posts Worldwide

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  • CIA Admits To Monitoring Facebook, Twitter Posts Worldwide


    November 4, 2011 - 20:51 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - The CIA monitors social media activity around the
    world from an unassuming warehouse in Virginia.

    As many as 5 million tweets, Facebook status updates, blog posts,
    comments, radio and television stations - anything that is made openly
    communicated - are tracked by a government agency set up in response
    to the 9/11 Commission's report.

    "Vengeful librarians," as the agents at the Open Source Center are
    called, are trained to look at social media activity in various
    languages, on various platforms, from various countries.

    The agency gauged public opinion after the U.S.-led attack that killed
    Osama Bin Laden, by tracking online activity across the Middle East.

    The agency also predicted uprisings in Iran, Egypt and elsewhere in
    the region.

    In places where media is biased, stifled or forced out of publication,
    the agency is able to use social media updates to gain access to new
    information. Agents are placed globally, in U.S. embassies, to help
    keep a closer eye on certain areas.

    Tweets can't be attributed to location, so experts at the agency
    cross-reference the language used with the content of the message to
    determine a more specific location, according to the report.

    In cases where the agency must rely on civilian reports, agents use
    the limited media reports, available intelligence and social media
    trends to determine whom among the informants they can trust. The
    report said that social media users tend to correct each other,
    so the best information is usually cultivated communally.

    The decision to focus on social media sites was born out of the
    Iranian elections of 2009. Agents were able to pinpoint which group
    dissented against the re-election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad through the
    language-Farsi-used in social media.

    It is unknown how long the agency has been working, but the 9/11
    Commission, whose findings created this agency, was set up in late
    2002, according to the Associated Press.
