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Syria Condemns U.S. For 'Blatant Interference'

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  • Syria Condemns U.S. For 'Blatant Interference'


    November 5, 2011 - 15:24 AMT

    Damascus on Saturday, November 5, strongly condemned Washington after
    the U.S. State DepartmentadvisedSyriansagainst surrendering following
    an amnesty for those who give up weapons.

    "The American administration disclosed again its blatant interference
    in Syria's internal affairs, and its policy which supports killing, in
    addition to its funding of the terrorist groups in Syria," SANA state
    news agency said citing a foreign ministry official, AFP reported.

    Syria's interior ministry announced an amnesty on Friday for people
    who surrender their weapons between Saturday and November 12 in a
    concession to mark the Eid al-Adha feast, state television reported.

    The State Department on Friday advised Syrians against surrendering
    to President Bashar al-Assad's regime.

    "I wouldn't advise anybody to turn themselves in to regime authorities
    at the moment," said spokeswomanVictoria Nuland, adding Assad's regime
    had so far failed to live up to a deal to end eight months of violence
    struck on Wednesday.

    "This would be about the fourth amnesty that they've offered since I
    took this job about five months ago," she told reporters. "So we'll
    see if it has any more traction than it's had in the past."

    SANA, citing the ministry official, said Syria "condemns these
    irresponsible statements which only aim at inciting sedition,
    supporting the acts of killing and the terrorism practiced by the
    armed groups against the Syrian citizens."

    "The Syrian government calls on the international community to stand
    against these policies which contradict with the provisions of the
    international law and the UN Security Council's resolutions related
    to combating terrorism and financing it," added the report.
