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Armenian Clergymen In Jerusalem Harassed By Senior Cardinals

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  • Armenian Clergymen In Jerusalem Harassed By Senior Cardinals


    Ultra-Orthodox young men curse and spit at Christian clergymen in the
    streets of Jerusalem's Old City as a matter of routine, the Israeli
    newspaper Haretz reported.

    In most cases the clergymen ignore the attacks, but sometimes they
    strike back. Last week the Jerusalem Magistrate's Court quashed the
    indictment against an Armenian priesthood student who had punched
    the man who spat at him.

    Johannes Martarsian was walking in the Old City in May 2008 when an
    young ultra-Orthodox Jew spat at him. Maratersian punched the spitter
    in the face, making him bleed, and was charged for assault. But Judge
    Dov Pollock, who unexpectedly annulled the indictment, wrote in his
    verdict that "putting the defendant on trial for a single blow at a
    man who spat at his face, after suffering the degradation of being
    spat on for years while walking around in his church robes is a
    fundamental contravention of the principles of justice and decency."

    "Needless to say, spitting toward the defendant when he was wearing
    the robe is a criminal offense," the judge said.

    When Narek Garabedian came to Israel to study in the Armenian Seminary
    in Jerusalem half a year ago, he did not expect the insults, curses
    and spitting he would be subjected to daily by ultra-Orthodox Jews
    in the streets of the Old City.

    "When I see an ultra-Orthodox man coming toward me in the street,
    I always ask myself if he will spit at me," says Narek, a Canadian
    Armenian, this week. About a month ago, on his way to buy groceries in
    the Old City, two ultra-Orthodox men spat at him. The spittle did not
    fall at his feet but on his person. Narek, a former football player,
    decided this time not to turn the other cheek.

    "I was very angry. I pushed them both to the wall and asked, 'why are
    you doing this?' They were frightened and said 'we're sorry, we're
    sorry,' so I let them go. But it isn't always like that. Sometimes
    the spitter attacks you back," he says.

    Other clergymen in the Armenian Church in Jerusalem say they are all
    victims of harassment, from the senior cardinals to the priesthood
    students. Mostly they ignore these incidents. When they do complain,
    the police don't usually find the perpetrators.

    Martarsian left Israel about a year ago. He was sent back home by
    the church, as were two other Armenian priesthood students who were
    charged after attacking an ultra-Orthodox man who spat at them.

    The Greek Patriarchy's clergymen have been cursed and spat on by
    ultra-Orthodox men in the street for many years. "They walk past
    me and spit," says Father Gabriel Bador, 78, a senior priest in the
    Greek Orthodox Patriarchate. "Mostly I ignore it, but it's difficult.

    Sometimes I stop and ask the spitter 'why are you doing this? What
    have I done to you?' Once I even shouted at a few of them who spat
    at my feet together. They ran away," he says.

    "It happens a lot," says Archbishop Aristarchos, the chief secretary
    of the patriarchate. "You walk down the street and suddenly they
    spit at you for no reason. I admit sometimes it makes me furious,
    but we have been taught to restrain ourselves, so I do so."

    Father Goosan Aljanian, Chief Dragoman of the Armenian Patriarchate
    in Jerusalem, says it is often difficult for temperamental young
    priesthood students to swallow the offense.

    bout a month ago two students marching to the Church of the Holy
    Sepulchre beat up an ultra-Orthodox man who spat at them. They were
    sent away from the Old City for two weeks.

    "I tell my students that if they are spat at, to go to the police
    rather than strike back" says Goosan. "But these are young kids who
    sometimes lose their cool."

    A few weeks ago four ultra-Orthodox men spat at clergymen in the
    funeral procession of Father Alberto of the Armenian Church.

    "They came in a pack, out of nowhere," said Father Goosan. "I know
    there are fanatical Haredi groups that don't represent the general
    public but it's still enraging. It all begins with education. It's
    the responsibility of these men's yeshiva heads to teach them not to
    behave this way," he says.

    Father Goosan and other Patriarchy members are trying to walk as
    little as possible in the Old City streets. "Once we walked from the
    [Armenian] church to the Jaffa Gate and on that short section four
    different people spat at us," he says.
