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NKR MFA Says Negotiations To Newly Launch

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  • NKR MFA Says Negotiations To Newly Launch


    NOVEMBER 7, 2011

    Acting foreign minister of the Republic of Nagorno Karabakh Vasili
    Atajanyan gave an interview to Armenpress news agency.

    - How do you assess the current phase of the NK conflict settlement?

    - It is known that during Kazan meeting, like it was expected,
    the Azerbaijani party, without exaggeration, forwarded tens of
    pre-conditions and torpedoed the negotiation process once again showing
    its non-constructive position. So it is senseless to speak about the
    current phase of talks as it must start just now. It is spoken about
    the visit of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs to the region during the
    coming month. We consider that they will present an additional package
    of events directed toward reinforcement of peace in the region. And
    how they will promote progress in the talks is difficult to say.

    - Armenia very often reminds that the direct participation of Nagorno
    Karabakh is a necessity. What do you think what must take place in
    the peace process? Will Artsakh return to the table of negotiations?

    - To say that today we are not participating in the peace process,
    will not be right, as the Minsk Group co-chairs, visiting the region
    also visit Artsakh, meet with the president of the NKR and other high
    ranking officials, present their approaches of the conflict settlement,
    get acquainted with our position and viewpoints. In this case it is
    being spoken about Artsakh-Azerbaijan dialogue, absence of indirect
    contacts the existence of which in future as well as continuation,
    may become bilateral negotiations. In this respect it is necessary
    to voice the idea of the NKR President Bako Sahakyan that without
    direct participation of the Artsakh party it is impossible to ensure
    progress in talks. Everyone got convinced in it, except Azerbaijan
    which continues hoping that with the pressure of international
    establishment the Armenian side will agree to unilateral concessions.

    - It is also known that Azerbaijan is trying to transfer the
    settlement of the conflict to other instances, for instance to the
    PACE sub-committee on Nagorno Karabakh affair. What impact can this
    working style have?

    - I have almost formulated this answer in the previous question but
    as far as it has been spoken about the revived PACE sub-committee on
    the Karabakh issue I would like to remind that the former founders
    of the establishment pursued very kind goals - provide a platform to
    Azerbaijan and Nagorno Karabakh. There was a time when it justified
    itself. I personally participated in the hearings. And what is the
    goal of those who want to revive it now is not known.

    - Recently the Foreign Minister of Uruguay stated that his country has
    viewed the issue of recognition of independence of Nagorno Karabakh.

    What new opportunities are opening for the international recognition
    of the Republic of Nagorno Karabakh?

    - The issue of the recognition of independence is one of the priorities
    of our foreign policy. We have adopted the OSCE Minsk Group format
    of negotiations and today we remain committed to the rules forwarded
    by the co-chairs. As to the international recognition of the NKR all
    the opportunities will be used for it.

    - A decision was made after summits in Astrakhan and Sochi to seriously
    investigate any incident on the Karabakhi-Azerbaijani line of contact.

    - In this respect we have expressed readiness to assist any monitoring
    mission and international task group. The bright examples of it were
    the conduction of the monitoring of NKR territories in 2005 and 2010
    by the OSCE Minsk group. By the way, Azerbaijan has always made these
    programs fail and it is normal as that country continues being the
    source of tension and initiator of incidents.

    In any case until no direct contacts exist between the NKR and
    Azerbaijan, any decision, irrespective of its international level,
    is condemned to oblivion because of Azerbaijan.
