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Osep Sarafian Presents Legacy Of Armenian Architecture

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  • Osep Sarafian Presents Legacy Of Armenian Architecture

    By: Betty Apigian-Kessel
    Mon, Nov 7 2011

    The Detroit Armenian community responded in magnificent fashion to
    the invitation to an Oct. 21 lecture by well-known area architect
    (jardarabed) Osep Sarafian on "The Legacy of Armenian Architecture
    in the Ottoman Empire."

    Osep Sarafian The evening was co-hosted by the Armenian Engineers
    and Scientists of America, Michigan Section, the Cultural Society
    of Armenians from Istanbul (CSAI), and the Tekeyan Cultural
    Association. It was held in the library of the Southfield, Mich. Alex
    and Marie Manoogian AGBU School.

    Osep Sarafian has been a fixture in the Detroit area since his arrival
    here from Bolis (Istanbul) in 1980. Together with wife Dr. Nadya
    Sarafian, a retired principal of the AGBU Day School, the Sarafians
    are one of this area's premiere couples. They've generously shared
    their immense intellectual talent for the enrichment of this community,
    reaching beyond the boundaries of Michigan.

    Over 125 people gave rapt attention to the speaker, anxiously
    wanting to know about these Armenian architects who transformed the
    Ottoman landscape with their amazing buildings. Sarafian unfolded the
    no-longer-secret details of the men who shared the same Armenian blood
    as those in the audience, bringing prestige to the word "Armenian"
    through their art of architecture.

    Sarafian was introduced by a fellow member in the Engineers and
    Scientists group, George Mouradian, who referred to him as a modest,
    energetic gentleman who began his career in Istanbul operating his
    own firm there for 23 years. "Sarafian has won numerous awards for his
    professional endeavors, which have been published in many professional
    books and magazines. He says he is retired but don't believe it,"
    Mouradian said.

    Sarafian, 79, was born to Armenian parents in Istanbul. He graduated
    from the Technical University of Istanbul with a master's in
    architecture and engineering in 1956. He then received a scholarship
    from University of Pennsylvania to study in the U.S., graduating with
    a second master's in city planning.

    Upon returning to Istanbul, he opened his own private architectural
    office, which he ran for 22 years. He designed hospitals, schools,
    university campuses, sports facilities, stadiums, governmental
    buildings, and commercial and tourist facilities in Turkey.

    In 1980, he immigrated with his family to Michigan and Sarafian was
    offered a job at the renowned Minoru Yamasaki Association architectural
    firm, where he worked as a vice-president until retirement in 1994.

    It was on a trip to Istanbul on his way to Armenia in spring 2010 that
    Sarafian was pleasantly surprised to find an extraordinary first-ever
    exhibition in Turkey, on the works of Armenian architects during the
    Westernization period of the Ottoman Empire.

    The same exhibit was displayed at three different galleries in
    Istanbul, later traveling to Ankara, and due to popular demand was then
    transported to Yerevan, where it was welcomed with great enthusiasm.

    What a wonderful tool for building friendly relations between the
    Turkish and Armenian peoples, giving recognition to Armenians who
    built magnificent structures.

    Sarafian recalled how during the 1970's Para Tuglaci had published
    a book on the life and works of the renowned and well-respected
    Ottoman architect Mimar Sinan, and had revealed with documents and
    verifications that Sinan was the son of an Armenian family from
    Kesaria, taken from his family when he was a young boy and raised as
    a Turk.

    An art historian by the name of Suheyi could not bear to think of
    Sinan as an Armenian and took Tuglaciyan to court for making "false
    Armenian propaganda," but he lost his case.

    The word "Armenian" often became a derogatory adjective and creative
    people were never given credit for their accomplishments, so often
    their names were changed. The shooting of Hrant Dink caused an
    awakening in Istanbul in the Armenian youth, who are now researching
    their past and courageously writing about it. Some intellectual Turkish
    writers now admit that "Without Armenians the Ottoman culture would
    have been rather plain."

    Turkish architect Hasan Kuruyazici decided to publish a book
    highlighting the input of Armenian architects during the Westernization
    period of the Ottoman Empire, corresponding to the 18th and 19th
    centuries. The books created a sensational surprise because it showed
    all the beautiful architecture designed and built mostly by Armenians,
    a reality no one could deny.

    With Kuruyazici, the curator/architect, and with the sponsorship
    of Hrant Dink Foundation and Haycar Association (the association of
    Armenian architects and engineers), the pictures from the books have
    been made into large panels and are traveling from city to city. They
    are making public all the Armenian architects whose names were not
    revealed before.

    This exhibition was the topic of Sarafian's talk. He expressed his
    gratitude to Nazaret Binatli and to Hasan Kuruyazici, who did not
    hesitate to give him a copy of the pictures he had taken.

    Sarafian introduced 40 Armenian architects to the Southfield audience,
    and showed a slide presentation of their best-known works included
    in the exhibition.

    The photos took our breath away with their symmetry and beauty.

    Exterior and interior views were offered leaving us amazed at the
    talent of the architects, who in the beginning had no formal school
    to attend to learn their craft.

    The Balians were certainly among the most prominent among these
    architects, according to research conducted by Kevork Pamukciyan.

    Their genealogy starts somewhere back in the late 1700's. Nine
    architects carried this family name. They continued a productive
    professional life for almost a century.

    They were involved in the design and construction of numerous
    large-scale buildings. Apart from a few Armenian churches, the entirety
    of the Balian designs belong to palace and state institutions.

    Architect Afife Batfur writes in her book An Influential Name in the
    19th-Century Ottoman Architecture: The Balians: "The architectural
    style and practices of the Balians provide important clues to
    comprehending the content and program of Westernization in the
    Ottoman Empire."

    The Balians operated as a private architectural office, although they
    were not given the title of chief architect. They were called kalfas,
    or chief builders. They had learned their skills through practice
    since no formal schools of training were available at the time.

    They were community leaders presiding over the Istanbul Armenian
    community, reaching the peak of their power in the early part of the
    20th century. They engaged in rebuilding churches and monasteries,
    supporting preachers and printing books and establishing schools,
    thus revitalizing the Armenian community.

    Garabed Balian was the architect of Dolmabahce Palace. Some of Krikor
    Kalfa's important works include the Imperial Mint, the Valide Sultan
    Palace, the St. Mary Church in Kumkapi, and the Taksim Artillery

    Garabed Balian sent his sons Nigoghos, Hagop, and Sarkis to Paris for
    formal professional studies. Bafur writes: "The architectural style of
    Sarkis Bey and his brothers displays a rich background of knowledge
    and unique interpretations in a spectrum extending from a classical
    concept to the diversity of the eclectic approach. These architects'
    designed buildings should be considered touchstones in the study of
    late Ottoman architecture."

    It is important to note that the Balians incorporated thousands of
    Armenian workers in the construction of their designs, even bringing
    men from outside villages to work. Factories were built where Armenians
    manufactured furniture and fabric for the structures. All in all
    they ran a remarkable, well-organized machine incorporating design,
    construction, and fine furnishings. Predominately Hye all the way.

    Since his retirement, Osep Sarafian has devoted all his time to
    speed up the recovery of Armenia. He has made 40 trips there for that
    purpose, focusing his efforts on raising funds for specific projects
    through the World Bank. So far he has raised $660,000 enabling projects
    in 83 villages.

    His related mission is to assist architects in Armenia to improve
    the quality of their new construction by using international codes
    and standards, especially since, as readers well know, Armenia is
    located in an earthquake-prone location.

    Sarafian is a member of the International Union of Architects. He is
    n Honor Member of the AGBU and a member of the Liturgical Arts and
    Architecture Commission of the Eastern Diocese. He also has membership
    in a number of non-profit and charitable organizations. He serves on
    the Board of Trustees of the Armenian Academy of Sciences, as well as
    on the Board of Directors of AGBU Alex and Marie Manoogian School, St.

    John Armenian Church in Southfield, Armenian Apostolic Society,
    Armenian Assembly of America, Friends of Yerevan State University,
    Board of Trustees of the Armenian Academy of Sciences, Cultural
    Society of Armenians from Istanbul, and of the Armenian Engineers
    and Scientists of America.

    Sarafian is devoted to extending a helping hand to the rebirth of
    Armenia. Sharing the excitement, the joy, and the happiness of the
    local people gives him a fulfillment that helps him to stay young,
    healthy, and happy. What a remarkable human being.

    It was an impressive group of slides attributed to these Armenian
    architects. A visit to Istanbul would surely be a worthwhile investment
    to tour these magnificent structures attributed to the talent and
    vision of Armenian architects.

    The Sarafians are the parents of three, and the grandparents of six.

    From: Baghdasarian