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Armenia Becoming Interesting

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  • Armenia Becoming Interesting

    Naira Hayrumyan

    Story from News:
    Published: 15:44:10 - 08/11/2011

    It seems that Azerbaijan and Turkey seize to be seen as reliable
    regional partners able to resort to reasonable concessions for the
    sake of regional partnership. Armenia is considered as a more reliable
    way for the creation of regional infrastructures and integration

    The visits of the Iranian and Georgian Foreign Ministers to Armenia
    made it clear that not only Armenia is interested in involvement in
    regional projects but also the neighbor countries.

    First of all, this is determined by the uncompromising position of
    Turkey and Azerbaijan which did not wish to make a concession in the
    Karabakh issue and did not agree with the option "integration without
    settlement". Such an approach could allow deploying important regional
    infrastructures, at the same time without provoking wars and conflicts.

    Judging by everything, this was proposed to Baku and Ankara, but
    they failed to overcome the psychological complexes and stand above
    the primitive nationalism. Possibly, it seemed to them that their
    uncompromising behavior would force others retreat, but, perhaps,
    another way was chosen - isolation of Azerbaijan and Turkey and
    deployment of new infrastructures with the participation of Armenia.

    The visits of the Georgian Ministers of Economy and Foreign Affairs,
    who dwelt, among other issues also on the Meghri-Batumi highway,
    evidences that Georgia's Western sponsors are interested in cooperation
    with Armenia.

    Tigran Sargsyan's words that Armenia and Georgia are in the same
    economic area proved Yerevan's will to becoming a part of the Western
    way of infrastructures.

    In addition, Yerevan tries to diversify that project, agreeing
    also with the infrastructure projects proposed by Iran, which
    are economically supported also by Russia. The point is about
    the Iran-Armenia railway, which, as the Minister of Transport and
    Communication Manuk Vardanyan said, will be clear in 3-4 months. The
    Minister said negotiations with Iran, China and Russia are underway
    on this issue, as well as with international donors and investors.

    More, Iran's Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi stated in Yerevan that
    Iran and Armenia need to discuss the visa elimination.

    A multi-layer game is taking place in the region, but it is evident
    that Armenia's significance is growing. If Armenia needed the
    infrastructure programs more, then our ministers would have visited
    Georgia and Iran.

    The visits of the Iranian and Georgian officials prove the growing
    interest of these countries in Armenia.

    Both vectors of cooperation are necessary for Armenia and a task
    of our diplomacy should be the provision of necessary conditions so
    that none of the vectors destroys the other, and that Armenia owns
    the right to the final word.
