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Yerevan Pays Tribute To Norwegian Scientist And Diplomat

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  • Yerevan Pays Tribute To Norwegian Scientist And Diplomat


    November 9, 2011 Wednesday 01:28 PM GMT+4

    Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Store will take part in
    celebrations in Yerevan devoted to the 150th anniversary of Fridtjof
    Nansen's birth. Fridtjof Nansen (1861-1930) was a prominent public
    figure, an outstanding Polar researcher and a diplomat.

    The Norwegian foreign minister is arriving in Yerevan on an official
    visit on Wednesday at the invitation of the Armenian foreign ministry.

    A ceremony of cancellation of a postage stamp dedicated to Nansen
    will be held on Wednesday. A monument to the celebrated researcher,
    diplomat, a prominent figure in humanitarian activities and a big
    friend of the Armenian people will be unveiled at the crossroads of
    Abovyan and Moskovskaya streets in the center of Yerevan on Wednesday.

    A gala concert devoted to the 150th anniversary of Nansen's birth will
    be held at the National Academic Opera and Ballet Theater. Norwegian
    orchestra conductor Terje Mikkelson and his compatriot, trumpet player
    Tormod Asgard, will perform with the Armenian National Philharmonic

    Visitors to the gala concert will enjoy an exposition of Nansen's
    photographs and books about Fridtjof Nansen, who is highly respected
    in Armenia for his efforts to help Armenian refugees during the
    1915 genocide.

    During the visit to Armenia the Norwegian foreign minister will meet
    Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan, Armenian Catholicos Garegin II and
    Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandyan. The Norwegian minister
    is also to meet students and teachers of Yerevan State University
    and visit a memorial to the victims of the 1915 genocide, where the
    minister will lay a wreath.

    Natalia Budur, the Russian author of Nansen's biography, said in her
    book that Nansen skied across Greenland, sailed through Arctic ice to
    the North Pole and after being an ambassador got down to humanitarian
    activities and signed a very important document on the territorial
    integrity of Norway.

    In 2011 the world celebrates the 150th anniversary of Nansen's birth.

    Since 1919 after a period of scientific research in the North and
    until 1930 when Nansen died he fully devoted himself to humanitarian

    During a horrible period of famine in the Volga region in Civil War
    Nansen made heroic efforts to ensure food and financial aid to Russia
    from Europe and the United States and contributed his own funds,
    helped solve refugee problems. In 1922 Nansen became a first ever
    High Commissioner for refugees.

    At the initiative of the International Red Cross the name of Fridtjof
    Nansen was given to passports issued to refugees from Russia. This
    widely used document gave a new lease of life in the West to Igor
    Stravinsky, Sergei Rakhmaninov, Mark Shagal, Anna Pavlova and other
    bright representatives of Russian art and culture.

    The name of the bright man was given to a lunar crater, islands
    of the Franz Josef Land archipelago, mountain peaks in Antarctica,
    Tien -Shan and Canada, an island in the Kara Sea. Many streets in
    world cities were named after the celebrated man. His name crowns an
    annual prize in the field of human rights awarded by the Office of
    the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

    The Nansen Refugee Award was created in 1954 in honor of Fridtjof
    Nansen, the legendary Norwegian explorer, scientist, diplomat and
