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UK Ambassador Completing His Mission In Armenia

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  • UK Ambassador Completing His Mission In Armenia

    Anna Nazaryan

    14.11.2011 15:24

    Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United Kingdom
    of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to Armenia Charles Lonsdale is
    completing his mission in our country. He's leaving with his Armenian
    wife, promising to continue to encourage tourists to visit Armenia.

    The forthcoming parliamentary and presidential elections are important
    steps for Armenia, and the Ambassador wants to them to be the most
    transparent ones. "This is an opportunity for Armenia to demonstrate
    a step forward in its democratic development."

    Although Great Britain is not directly involved in the process
    of settlement of the Karabakh conflict, it is interested in the
    maintenance of peace and stability in the region, the Ambassador told
    a press conference today.

    Great Britain has commercial interests in the region, and stability
    is important also from the economic point of view, he added.

    "We continue to support the Minsk process, hoping that the process
    will lead to a peaceful settlement," he said.

    "We would like to see a peace agreement signed, and it primarily
    depends on two governments," the Ambassador stated.

    Charles Lonsdale attached importance to President Serzh Sargsyan's
    initiative of normalizing the Armenian-Turkish relations. "We want to
    see close relations between the governments and peoples of Armenia
    and Turkey, and Great Britain makes efforts in this direction,"
    the Ambassador said, adding, however, that he would like to see more
    effective results.
