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High-Level Personnel Changes Plan Conceived After 2008 Presidential

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  • High-Level Personnel Changes Plan Conceived After 2008 Presidential


    The changes in Armenia's leadership are not random, as many local
    media and analysts have confirmed. There is a big plan of changes
    among the elite, which was conceived immediately after the 2008
    presidential election and was launched a year ago, Director of the
    Yerevan-based Caucasus Institute Alexander Iskandaryan told reporters
    today, describing the developments as a process of distancing the
    oligarchy from power.

    At the same time, Iskandaryan stressed that this is not part of the
    election campaign, but on the contrary: preparations for the May 2012
    parliamentary elections are part of this process.

    "It is an attempt to remove the oligarchs from making policies. The
    complexity of the process lies in the fact that in this case, those
    in power are not fighting with the opposition but with themselves,
    since those economic interest groups are within it, within the ruling
    party," he said.

    The political analyst recalled how a year ago, when, for example,
    the Minister of Justice was being replaced, he couldn't talk about
    serious changes, but after the recent resignation of the parliamentary
    speaker, the country's second most influential position, the process
    became evident. "I'm not saying that the process is complete or that
    it will succeed. We are in this process, and it is the most important
    thing happening in Armenia today."

    Asked how resolute the country's leader is in the given situation,
    Iskandaryan said: "I don't have personal conversations with
    the president. I make judgments based on publications and public
    appearances. Such revolutionary changes can't take place without the
    president's agreement - they come out of the presidential apparatus.

    Only he could initiate this process. We are neither Switzerland nor
    the Netherlands, but at the same time, we're neither Turkmenistan
    nor Azerbaijan nor Russia where serious issues are resolved with
    the stroke of a pen. So it's a political struggle. And that which
    is happening is a struggle because the people who go do not always
    agree with these decisions."

    As for the role of the opposition - namely, the Armenian National
    Congress - in this process, according to the analyst, this depends
    on the results of its participation in the parliamentary elections.
