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The "Ogre" Among Us

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  • The "Ogre" Among Us

    By: Seyran Hanoyan
    11:47 - 14.11.2011

    "There are ogres among us", once announced the minister of social
    security about one of the young members of the department of Labor
    and employment who was not present in that meeting.

    What had happened? That very young man had posted an open letter to the
    president and the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia on his own
    Facebook page, complaining about that low salary of social workers,
    that is around 100 thousand AMD. Hundreds of social workers have
    joined his post. That was the reason that the minister lost his temper.

    In order to be void of more comments the ministry had cut the internet

    Now some questions rise:

    First: who should the social worker complain to, the Pope, Ugo
    Chaves, The late Mother Teresa, or to the most handsome hero of
    Victor Hugo-Quasimodo?

    Second: those who had not complained publicly, you, Mr. Minister,
    think that they are pleased with their salary and so are not ogres?

    Third: where did that term generate from? Did the young man verbally
    abuse anyone in his letter?

    Forth: where can we see more ogres? In penitentiaries? Mental
    institutions? The opposition? Where? Who is the stereotype of ogre
    for you?

    Fifth: which sort of ogrness did he reveal writing that open letter,
    inner or outer? Is that young man ogre in the outside? If so, what
    connection does it have to the letter? If he is ogre in the inside
    then why does not that fact make you more apologetic?

    Sixth: what gave you the right to verbally abuse that man? Your
    personality? Party membership? Being a minister? Or the mirror at
    your home wall?

    Seventh: what's the price of not being ogre, as the ministerial seats
    are limited?

    Eighth: don't you realize that your salary is lower than the one of
    the head of your party? So what made you accept to be a minister with
    the intellect that you have, which, by the way, is only enough for
    calling someone an ogre?

    Ninth: what made you angry in that letter exactly? After that people
    are making fun of you and the employee became famous.

    Tenth: who were the present people at the meeting in front of whom
    you had called that young man an ogre? What do you expect to hear
    from them now?

    Eleventh: what have you done for that young man before he wrote
    that letter?

    Twelfth: when verbally abusing someone, don't you think that
    restraining of abuse is what makes a better man and not the opposite?

    Thirteenth: what's the limit of expression for your employee? Can't he
    turn to the one he had elected? In that case, how can you be sure that
    your employees are honest with you in discussing an issue of any sort?
