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Revealing Azerbaijan'S Ties With The Zionist Regime; Beginning Of Cr

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  • Revealing Azerbaijan'S Ties With The Zionist Regime; Beginning Of Cr

    Hatamzadeh Moqaddam

    Qods website
    Nov 3 2011
    Mashhad, Iran

    Despite the lowering of the level of relations between the countries
    in the Central Asian region, the Caucasus, and Asia Minor, with the
    regime occupying Jerusalem, during the past few days the military
    officials of the Republic of Azerbaijan have spoken about extensive
    military relations between that country and the vile Zionist regime.

    Although, in view of the conditions in the region and the
    intensification of anti-Zionist and anti-American feelings in the
    Middle East and Asia Minor, the government in Baku is trying to keep
    hidden the details of its military collaboration with the regime
    occupying Jerusalem, nevertheless, during the past few days a number
    of military officials of that country have unwillingly revealed some
    information regarding this issue.

    Uzeir Jafarov, the head of the Military Studies Center of the
    Republican of Azerbaijan, in an interview with a media outlet
    affiliated with the Zionist regime, has spoken of the purchase of
    pilotless aircraft [drones] from Israel. These aircraft are not
    capable of carrying missiles and can only be used for intelligence
    and monitoring purposes.

    Another military official of that country has also recently said
    that 30 percent of the parts and equipment for those aircraft are
    manufactured by "Azerbaijan's Azad [Free] Systems," while 70 percent
    of the parts of those aircraft will be built by Israeli companies
    and will be assembled in the territory of the Republican of Azerbaijan.

    The military officials of Ilham Aliyev's regime have stressed that
    Israel plays a major role in modernizing the military, security,
    communication, and defense capabilities of the Republican of

    This is despite the fact that the Muslim people of that country are
    strongly opposed to any form of interaction between their country and
    that unbridled regime [Israel]. This is why government officials in
    Baku try hard to keep their relations with the Zionist regime hidden.

    In view of all this, one can find the reasons for this situation in
    two issues:

    1- The claims of the regime of the Republican of Azerbaijan regarding
    Karabakh, which is a source of disagreement with its neighboring
    country, Armenia, have always been condemned by international
    organizations, including the Security Council, and Aliyev's efforts in
    this regard have not produced any results. In view of the support of
    Israeli officials for the positions of Azerbaijan on the issue, Ilham
    Aliyev has leaned more towards that direction, so that by signing
    military contracts he can, in his view, achieve a more powerful
    position vis-a-vis Armenia.

    2- The second issue concerns a matter that is of great importance to
    the Zionist regime; namely, the Islamic Republic of Iran. Officials in
    Tel Aviv have always tried to establish close relations with Iran's
    neighbors and to incite them to create tension, to undermine the
    foreign policy of our country, and to portray the Islamic Republic to
    the international community as a country that is full of tension. In
    view of the events that have taken place during the current year in
    the region, which resulted in Turkey, Egypt, and Tunisia breaking
    off relations with the regime, the Zionists have been drawn towards
    rogue dictators such as Ilham Aliyev.

    There is no doubt that the contentious action of that country
    in connection with martyring some border guards of our country
    and engaging in media propaganda following that incident have been
    carried out as the result of Zionist incitement and are in line with
    the same goals.

    In view of all this, one must say that as the result of the repeated
    failures of the regime occupying Jerusalem in its foreign policy
    and the heightening of public disgust towards that regime, Aliyev's
    government has engaged in a lose-lose game, whose evil consequences
    will affect Azerbaijan.

    [translated from Persian]
