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Extraordinary Speech By RA NA Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan At The Nation

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  • Extraordinary Speech By RA NA Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan At The Nation


    National Assembly of RA
    Nov 14 2011

    Dear deputies,

    You already know that in the upcoming elections I will run the
    campaign of our party, and I have declared that for getting prepared
    for that important job I have decided to untimely step down from the
    chairmanship of the Parliament.

    Fully realizing the whole responsibility before the RA President, the
    state, the people and the party, in accordance with the paragraph 2
    of the Article 20 of the Rules of Procedure, today I am submitting my
    resignation from the position of the Speaker of the National Assembly.

    Being elected Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of
    Armenia on September 29, 2008 I have announced that the activity of the
    National Assembly should be transparent, and the parliament reachable
    for the society. Let it not sound immodest, but I believe that we
    have succeeded to provide the transparent activity of the parliament
    as much as possible and make closer parliament-society relationship.

    I am grateful for our joint work. This has been for me a very important
    and, in terms of the reinforcement of parliamentary culture, effective
    time period.

    Appreciating the activity of the National Assembly we should take into
    account its weight of the role of the legislative higher body in the
    life of the state. I believe that the National Assembly has displayed
    itself as an active participant of the establishment process of the
    statehood. I am convinced that from now on the National Assembly will
    permanently be the defender of the state and society interests with
    its activity. The National Assembly has fulfilled and will implement
    its functions of the legislative body, because the vote received
    from the people means permanent accountability and realization of
    duty before the voter, thus also before the state.

    All of you witnessed my permanent adherence to the principles of
    tolerance, mutual respect during my activity in the NA Speaker's
    position. I have been and I hold the conviction that the parliament
    should be a tribune of plurality and a platform, where numerous and
    extraordinary opinions can sound and be audible, and as a result of
    comparison and also contradiction of which those legislative solutions
    should be born, which are necessary for our country today.

    At the same time I would like to note that being elected a deputy
    via majoritarian electoral system I am not going to avoid the
    responsibility assumed before my voters and deputy's obligations.

    Whatever positions I have occupied I have never gone far from my
    people, I am aware of its problems and I am willing to promote their

    Dear deputies,

    I think everybody realizes that our country is undergoing the
    preparatory phase of the regular parliamentary elections; elections,
    the organization and holding of which at high level is the matter
    of honour for all of us and especially for the authorities. I am not
    using the word "all of us" by accident, as any negative consequence of
    elections is an impact not only on the reputation of the authorities,
    but also the country. The authorities have repeatedly declared about
    the readiness of holding free and fair elections, which means that
    there is a necessary political will and resoluteness for it.

    Dear colleagues,

    Concluding my speech, I once again express my gratitude for the joint
    work and cooperation during my tenure. I am thankful for your advice,
    proposals and criticism. All this testifies that we managed to work
    jointly, hear, tolerate and respect each other.

    I am sure that sanity, mutual respect and tolerance will continue to
    reign in this hall. I wish it would be manifested among us not only
    in the parliament, but also in the whole political field.
