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US Analyst: "According To The International Law, Intention Of Nagorn

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  • US Analyst: "According To The International Law, Intention Of Nagorn

    @8US Analyst: "According To The International Law, Intention Of Nagorno Karabakh's Armenians To Unite With Armenia Is Separatism"

    Nov 14 2011

    Moscow. Farid Akperov - APA. Carnegie Endowment and US National
    Security Archive organized an international conference titled "Ethnic
    relations after the USSR collapse" in Moscow, APA correspondent
    reports. US and Russian analysts expressed their opinions about the
    history and contemporary tendencies of Azerbaijan-Armenian conflict.

    US political analyst and historian William Taubman, known for his books
    about former USSR leaders Nikita Khrushchev and Mikhail Gorbachev,
    said one the factors causing the collapse of USSR was helplessness
    of Gorbachev with regard to Nagorno Karabakh conflict.

    "Mikhail Gorbachev wanted to solve the conflict peacefully without use
    of force. He thought that it would be possible to solve the conflict by
    bringing the intellectuals together and using the internal resources
    of the Soviet people. Later he acknowledged that he couldn't solve
    the conflict".

    Touching upon the Nagorno Karabakh problem, Taubman said according
    to the international law, Karabakh is a territory of Azerbaijan.

    "According to the international law, intention of Nagorno Karabakh's
    Armenians to unite with Armenia is separatism. But it is not my
    authority to describe them as the separatists or in other status".

    Heretofore secret documents were publicized during the conference. US
    expert Tom Blanton introduced some CIS documents taken from the US
    National Security Archive. Top secret label on these documents have
    been removed. The documents are about the activity of Russian and US
    intelligence services concerning the collapse of USSR. Audiotapes of
    phone talks between Gorbachev and Bush were among the materials.
