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ANKARA: Unresolved Murders, Justice And A New Turkey

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  • ANKARA: Unresolved Murders, Justice And A New Turkey


    Today's Zaman
    Nov 14 2011

    When the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) came to office --
    before it really started to wield power -- we witnessed how the deep
    and bureaucratic state showed strong resistance to it, wasting the
    country's energy and resources.

    Now, looking back to this short history, one doubts whether all those
    developments were real or just a nightmare.

    The Turkish Armed Forces (TSK), an institution that had been grabbing
    the lion's share of the country's budget until very recently and
    using those funds without any inspection, was found to be plotting
    to overthrow the ruling AK Party by preparing incredibly scandalous
    plans at its headquarters. We have seen a series of not only coup
    plans brought to daylight by the Nokta weekly -- with such names
    as Ay覺癬_覺g覺 (Moonlight), Sar覺k覺z (Blonde Girl), Yakamoz (Sea
    Sparkle) and Eldiven (Glove), which were planned between 2003 and
    2004, as we learned from the now infamous coup diaries -- but also
    of continuously updated coup plots that have now come to be known as
    Balyoz (Sledgehammer).

    The third indictment concerning the Sledgehammer coup plan was
    recently prepared --based on documents seized at the G繹lcuk Naval
    Command -- and sent to court for merger with the main trial. It
    may sound unbelievable, but up until two years ago in this country,
    which saw three full-fledged coups in its past, some members of the
    military -- who were supposed to perform their duties upon being
    paid by the taxes we pay -- planned to shoot down our own warplanes,
    spark a war between our country and Greece, shell some mosques,
    kill members of non-Muslim minorities and put the blame on Muslims,
    all just to overthrow the ruling AK Party. No one should scorn these
    plans just because they could not be implemented. Indeed, you will
    see that the Council of State attack, the killing of priest Father
    Andrea Santoro, the murder of Hrant Dink and the massacre at the
    Zirve Publishing House in Malatya were actually performed by agents
    of the deep state and possibly as part of such a coup plan, if the
    courts can boldly take actions to investigate them.

    On the other hand, there is a probe into unresolved murders launched
    by the Ankara specially authorized prosecutor in connection with
    confessions made by a former police officer from the special ops
    unit, Ayhan Cark覺n. This investigation also brought to the agenda
    two National Intelligence Organization (M襤T) reports, partially
    discovered during the infamous Susurluk scandal and discussed at
    the Cankaya presidential palace during the term of former President
    Suleyman Demirel. These reports, which had been submitted personally by
    then 襤stanbul Police Chief Kemal Yaz覺c覺oglu to then Prime Minister
    Necmettin Erbakan, said unresolved murders of Kurdish businessmen,
    particularly Omer Lutfu Topal, had been committed by the state. At
    that time, Yaz覺c覺oglu was suddenly removed from office and the
    reports covered up.

    These reports also said that those who had been involved in these
    unresolved murders had been released after being taken to Ankara thanks
    to an intervention by Sedat Bucak and Mehmet Agar, and that they --
    the contract killers -- were later employed as bodyguards for Bucak.

    The prosecutors are interrogating these guys now. Even, Sedat
    Peker, a jailed mafia godfather, confessed as an "insider" that the
    National Security Council (MGK) had arranged the killings of Kurdish
    businessmen. "This is a truth known to everyone. Don't you know?" he
    challenged the prosecutors while making this confession.

    As noted by my dear friend Adem Yavuz Arslan in his article titled
    "The DDK's report and every road lead to the MGK" and published in the
    Bugun daily, the MGK represents the common junction for the killings
    of the missionaries and journalist Hrant Dink and for the murders of
    Kurdish businessmen.

    "In my book 'Bi Ermeni Var: Hrant Dink Operasyonu'nun 癬^ifreleri'
    [There's this Armenian: The Codes of the Dink Operation], which
    explained in detail how the MGK had put a handful of missionaries in
    the spotlight in early 2003, paving the way for the raising of Ogun
    Samast-like people via fabricated fears, I published a confidential
    document," Arslan says, and underlines a very important point. Will the
    State Audit Institution (DDK), which is currently investigating Dink's
    murder, be able to identify the role of the state, i.e., the MGK,
    in this murder, thereby contributing to the resolution of the murder?

    Or will this role be covered up, as was done at the Cankaya summit
    held on Dec. 22, 1996?

    Today, the trial concerning Dink's death resumes. It will be concluded
    after several hearings. The people who might have helped Samast on
    the day of the murder were identified in video recordings. The court
    hearing the case has repeatedly demanded that the Telecommunications
    Directorate (T襤B) send the records of cellular phone calls made in
    the vicinity of the crime scene. But T襤B has refused to send them,
    first claiming that they do not have them and then on the grounds
    that giving them would violate individuals' privacy. If these records
    are sent to the court, a significant portion of the murder could be
    illuminated. Under the law, these records will be deleted in 67 days.

    T襤B is subordinate to the Ministry of Transportation.

    Since 2002, when the AK Party took office, many offenses and murders
    have been committed in order to lay the groundwork for an eventual
    military takeover. Will we live together in darkness with a reflex
    to protect the state, as was the case in 1996, or will we turn a new
    page for a clean future?

    This is the real question these trials pose for us.
