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ArmNet 2011 Project Started

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  • ArmNet 2011 Project Started

    13:14:02 - 16/11/2011

    Today an official start to the ArmNet Awards 2011 panarmenian
    web-contest and ArmNet 2011 series of events was given.

    The organizers of the ArmNet 2011 project are SP Marketing Solutions,
    Orange Armenia and ISOC (The Internet Society) companies.

    ArmNet 2011 presents a total of three events aimed at the development
    of information technologies in the RA, 2 of which were held in the
    frames of ArmNet 2010, and one event will be held for the first time
    in 2011.

    "ArmNet 2011" is designed to evaluate the achievements of the Armenian
    sector of the Internet and contribute to its further development.

    The first event of the project is "Armnet Awards 2011" Armenian website
    contest that aims to identify and award the best web-resources of
    the Armenian sector of the Internet.

    As a result of the contest best Armenian websites will be awarded with
    "ArmNet Awards 2011" prize in following 8 categories:

    ~U Design and Usability

    ~U Innovation

    ~U Technological Development

    ~U Content

    ~U Breakthrough of the Year

    ~U Grand Prix

    ~U People's Choice

    ~U Special Orange Armenia Award, for the best mobile website

    Jurors of 'ArmNet Awards 2011' will look through and assess all
    websites nominated for the contest and choose the winners by

    In parallel with jury's work, an SMS-voting, provided and supervised
    by Nikita Mobile Company will be carried. Everyone will be able
    to vote for favorite websites, by sending an SMS to 10-41 short
    number (cost per SMS: 50 AMD, VAT included), with a special code of
    participant website. It is allowed to vote only once for any website,
    but the number of sites for which visitors can vote from one number is
    unlimited. This will define the winner in 'People's Choice' category.

    The competition results will be announced on 3rd December, at an
    official award ceremony.

    'We are confident that we can recreate that exciting and dynamic
    atmosphere that was unique for ArmNet 2010. This year's competition
    will uncover and publicize new, high-quality online resources created
    by Armenian specialists that otherwise might stay unknown. Resources
    such as, for example, the website of Parajanov museum, winner of
    the "ArmNet Awards 2010' in several categories, '- said Haykuhi
    Taksildaryan, the Director of SP Marketing Solutions, during the
    press conference.

    "We are pleased to join this project, which will become a unique
    experience for our NGO. We've been supporting and managing Armenian
    domain market and all sorts of IT projects since 1997. Today it is very
    important for us to participate and contribute to the identification
    of best local web-resources. Such projects play an important role in
    the development and promotion of the Armenian IT market." said Igor
    Mkrtumyan, President of "The Internet Society of Armenia" NGO.

    ArmNet 2011 also includes the annual IT conference on web technologies
    and their implementation in various businesses. The conference will
    be held on December 3 and will be presented by well known local and
    international IT experts. This year's main topic of the conference is
    'Internet goes mobile, computing goes cloud'.

    This year the conference's speakers and guests are Raffi
    Krikorian,Twitter Engineering Manager of the Application Services
    team, Vladimir Isayev, Opera Software CIS Communications Manager,
    Dmitri Danilenko, Begun Commercial Director, Stanislav Vidaev, Google
    Russia Senior analytic, specialist in Google analytics, Thomas Kohler,
    France Telecom Portal and NExT Product Line Vice President, Yaroslav
    Greshilov, Artviko Research Bureau Managing Partner among others.

    Bruno Duthoit, General Director of Orange Armenia, said: "ArmNet 2011
    has a very authoritative jury and conference guests. The one-time
    presence of all these people in Yerevan will help create a very special
    atmosphere, where Armenian specialists will have the opportunity to
    exchange ideas and business cards with their famous colleagues. As
    a company that provides Internet services and is the leader of the
    mobile internet market, we feel a great responsibility to support
    the development of the Internet environment in Armenia. We are glad
    to present this large and wonderful IT-holiday for the second time
    in Yerevan"

    In the frames of "ArmNet 2011", for the first time in Armenia a
    "Start-up weekend Yerevan" competition will be held, that will gather
    all the enthusiasts of this field and provide them with an opportunity
    to develop, test and implement their innovative projects.

    The purpose of this project is to encourage entrepreneurship in IT
    market. The organizers hope, that as a result of the competition
    a number of innovative Armenian companies will be created. The
    project will make a substantial contribution to the establishment
    and development of innovative government in RA.
