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President Serzh Sargsyan Arrived To Lori Marz

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  • President Serzh Sargsyan Arrived To Lori Marz


    Economic News (Information Agency Oreanda)
    November 14, 2011 Monday

    Yerevan . OREANDA-NEWS . November 14, 2011. President Serzh Sargsyan
    arrived to Lori marz on a working visit. In Spitak, the President of
    Armenia visited a multisectoral Agroholding Armenia enterprise.

    President Sargsyan toured the compound, familiarized with the business
    activities and programs and discussed development programs with the
    leadership of the Company.

    Agroholding Armenia Ltd was founded in 1989 in the border village
    of Darik (Amasia community) and in 21 years of its functioning has
    been persistently investing in crop farming, animal husbandry, milk
    processing as well as in new technologies for forage production. The
    Company has also imported modern machinery and is planning to
    conduct agricultural machinery repairs and assembling operations
    locally. The Company is working in four marzes, in Darik, Spitak,
    Ghazanchi, Aragatsavan, Hrazdan and Eghvard community on nearly 1,620
    hectares of its own and leased land. During the tour of the compound,
    the President was informed that until now Agroholding Armenia has
    already made close to 11 million USD investments for the modernization
    of the production process and introduction of new technologies.

    In Spitak, the President visited also A. Myasnikian n. 1 secondary
    school, and familiarized with the conditions at the newly built school.

    It was noted that through the financing of the Lincy Foundation in
    the framework of the second lag of the Schoolbuilding program (total
    funding is about 11 million USD) which commenced in July, 2010,
    capital repairs of the secondary schools in Spitak, Stepanavan and
    Vanadzor towns of Lori marz have been realized. In the three units
    of Spitak town n. 1 secondary school built for 570 pupils the roofs,
    interior works, doors and windows, lavatories, heating and power
    supply and water systems have been totally renovated.

    At the conclusion of the Presidential tour, at the n. 1 secondary
    schools assembly hall there took place the ceremony of handing home
    certificates to 150 families who lost shelter in the devastating
    earthquake of 1988.

    In Stepanavan, Serzh Sargsyan visited V. Tekeyan Secondary School
    n. 6 and toured the newly constructed premise of the school. He also
    observed the chess tournament that was going on at the school. The
    President was informed that Stepanavan n. 6 secondary school, also
    in the framework of the Schoolbuilding program has been entirely
    furnished, repaired inside and outside; floors, doors and windows
    as well as lavatories, heating, water and power supply systems,
    and sewage were renovated.

    During the second lag of the Lincy Foundation Schoolbuilding program
    renovated and rebuilt were also three secondary schools in Arevshat,
    Sarakap and Nor Kyanq villages of Shirak marz.

    The President of Armenia was informed that in the framework of the
    housing construction program conducted in the earthquake zone, in
    2009-2010 in the rural communities of Lori marz 303 houses were built
    and turned over to the beneficiaries.

    Housing problems of six families were solved through the 2009 program
    of housing acquisition vouchers which is implemented in the rural
    communities that have up to 10 beneficiaries.

    153 houses have been built and put in commission in 2011. In urban
    communities of Lori in 2009-2010 were built and put in commission:
    220 apartment units in Spitak and four in Stepanavan. Forty-three out
    of 50 families on the waiting list have already received apartments.

    Beneficiary families from the multi-unit residential homes from
    Stepanavan, who lost shelter, were provided with the apartments. Three
    vouchers have been handed in Vanadzor, 15 families from the multi-unit
    apartment building in Gugark rural community, who had lost their homes
    got their housing problems solved through the acquisition vouchers.

    As of November 1, 708 families in Lori got new homes, in the rural
    areas that number is 447, and in urban areas 231.

    In Stepanavan, President Sargsyan visited also the family of the
    military serviceman Artak Ghabuzian.

    Artak Ghabuzian was drafted in May, 2009 (born 08.05.1991). During his
    service in the army he displayed personal courage and valor, mortally
    wounded the enemy who had penetrated the RA battle positions. In
    recognition of his brave act by the 15.09.2010 decree of the President
    of Armenia he was awarded the medal For Valor and by the 30.08.2010
    decree of the President of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic he received
    the medal For Combat Service. After concluding his military service,
    Artak Ghabuzian was appointed mechanic for servicing the battle
    component of the battery and assembling and preventive repairs at
    the RA Stepanavan military unit. Concurrently, Artak Ghabuzian is
    a first year distant learner at the radio physics department of the
    Yerevan State University.

    During the visiting with the Ghabuzian family, President Sargsyan
    first thanked the parents of Artak for raising such an exemplary son
    and underscored that Artaks work is very important for defending our
    Motherland and keeping the borders of our country impenetrable. With
    Artak and his family members, Serzh Sargsuyan spoke also about daily
    life of the family, noting that he had already instructed relevant
    bodies to solve their housing problem as soon as possible.

    In the framework of his working visit to Lori marz, President
    Serzh Sargsyan attended also the inauguration of Sagamar Ltd an
    ore-dressing and processing enterprise in the Armanis district of
    Stepanavan. Serzh Sargsyan toured the premise, familiarized with
    the works of the plant conducted in the framework of the investment
    programs and learned about its future plans. The President visited this
    enterprise one year ago and familiarized with the works and observed
    the construction process. Construction works of the complex were
    conducted in 2008-2011. The complex comprises the ore-dressing plant,
    the mine servicing compound and an open mine. Development works include
    27, 263 sq m (production, service and administrative buildings), an
    auto road from the center of Stepanavan to Armanis disctrict 7.5km, a
    water canal 8.8km, water supply point and water regulator, and 3.5km of
    high-voltage line. Sagamar enterprise has 370 employees. It was noted,
    that in a short period of time, the jobs will increase up to 500,
    and when the mine is fully operational their number will reach 720.

    The proprietors of the NevaRus company which is engaged in the mining
    industry of Armenia and realizes investment projects through its
    two daughter enterprises Sagamar and Molibdeni Ashkharh companies,
    noted that they would continue with their strategy of consistent
    implementation of their investment programs in the mining industry of
    Armenia. They assured that in the nearest future their efforts would
    be aimed at the development, construction and successful operation of
    Dastakert and Lichvaz-Tei. The total amount of investments envisaged
    for the implementation of the present projects will reach nearly 300
    million USD, and the number of employees will come close to 2000.
