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Iranian Nuclear Problem Like Pre-Condition For Creation Of The "rule

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  • Iranian Nuclear Problem Like Pre-Condition For Creation Of The "rule

    by David Stepanyan

    Tuesday, November 15, 17:11

    Against the background of significant worsening of situation around
    Iranian nuclear problem, British, Israeli and American mass media
    have recently started speaking about the forthcoming beginning of the
    military campaign against Iran via the missile and bomb attacks on the
    nuclear facilities of Iran. Incidentally, direct neighbors of Iran,
    Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia prefer to keep silent and assume a
    mask that they are practically concerned about the possible war in
    the region. If in this context Tbilisi's and Baku's motives are quite
    clear because of availability of the American servicemen at their
    territory, it is at least surprising why there is no reaction from the
    side of Yerevan, which is a great friend of Iran and a guarantor of
    security of Nagornyy Karabakh Republic. In general, the situation is
    threatening to put the whole region in the so called "ruled chaos",
    which will allow the USA to more gain a foothold in the region.

    The pre-condition of such an option is the information published
    in The New-York Times, according to which American military bases
    deployed in Azerbaijan will be used during the operation of the
    "allies" against Iran, though Azerbaijan's authorities refuse such
    development of events. Moreover, the USA also hopes to use Georgian
    airports, military bases and even new concrete highways, the building
    of which was financed by the USA, for attacking Iran. As for the last
    bellicose statements by high-rank officials of Israel, they make us
    suppose that Iranian targets may be attacked form the territory of
    Israel too. So, after the Iraqi and Libyan scenario we are becoming
    witnesses of a new scenario, which may become the beginning of at
    least local war. But Iran cannot be compared with Iraq or Libya, as
    unlike the Arabs, the majority of Iranians do not want to swallow the
    hook of the Western propaganda in the form of "democratization". The
    IAEA report, which says that Teheran has been drawing out a nuclear
    bomb, has "suddenly" and simultaneously appeared in the American,
    British and Israeli press and proved once again the necessity to
    attack Iran...However, these publications did not reflect Teheran's
    resoluteness not to step back from its nuclear programme. Moreover,
    deputy commander of Iranian General Headquarters, General Masud Jazaeri
    said that if Israel attacks nuclear facilities of Iran, the latter
    is ready to destroy an important nuclear center of the enemy in Dimon.

    However, there is also another option of possible development of events
    around the Iranian nuclear programme - the peaceful one, voiced by US
    President Barack Obama. He said in particular, that the USA, China and
    Russia have been striving not to let gaining of the nuclear weapon by
    Iran. The USA prefers diplomatic talks in the matter. As for Russia,
    it prefers to keep silent yet, having limited itself by the statement
    made by Foreign minister Sergey Lavrov according to which the military
    blow of Israel upon Iran would be a great mistake. At the same time,
    today it is not clear how to make Iran refuse the intention of getting
    nuclear weapon and rule out the military ways, especially against the
    background of the situation that there has been no chance, and will
    hardly be, that Russia, the USA, France, China, Germany and the Great
    Britain will reach any success in the talks with Iran. As for Iran,
    it is not going to stop its nuclear programme or refuse its military
    component, at least stemming from total instability that covered
    Near and Middle East thanks to the efforts of the USA as well. For
    this reason, the dialogue with the "six", the relations with Israel
    and the USA will probably develop in the context which they used to
    develop earlier. The decision adopted by the foreign ministers of
    the EU on 14 November to support harshening of sanctions regarding
    Iran, is also evidence of implementation of such a scenario, which
    they decided to delay till 1 December when the next session of the
    EU foreign ministers will be held... At present the ministers rule
    out military interference in the affairs of Teheran. And Germany's
    Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle even said that Germany is not
    going to take part in any discussions on possibility of attacking
    Iran in the context of its nuclear problem.

    The warning of the leader of Pentagon Leon Panetta to the top
    leadership of the USA about the unpredictable consequences of the
    battle actions against Iran is also evidence of the "peaceful" option.

    He said that they may have serious effect at US forces in the region.

    It is obvious that he first of all meant the American contingent
    deployed in Afghanistan, being the key target for Iran if the USA
    attacks its territory.

    At the same time, it is obvious that Israel will not manage to quickly
    hit all the targets without the support of Pentagon and other allies.

    So for the USA and its allies, the point is not in expediency of
    another adventure, this time against Iran, but in its wish how to do
    it by the foreign hands preventing losses in its own of forces... In
    general, the war against Iran finds room in the American conception on
    creation of the so called "ruled chaos" at the global level. According
    to some trustworthy sources, the war against Iran has been already
    scheduled for 2012, but the date is still secret. Today one thing is
    clear - the war against Iran will blow up the whole region which is
    far from being stable. The actions initiated by the West may possibly
    become the catalyst element for de-frosting of some frozen conflicts,
    and first of all the Karabakh conflict. Taking into consideration,
    that Nagornyy Karabakh is at the border to Iran, such a prospect looks
    rather realistic, finding room in the American theory on creation of
    the "ruled chaos". Just thanks to the chaos, which the USA may seed in
    the region not controlled by it yet, Washington may reach its desired
    goal with a help of the situation when one beats the bush while another
    catches the birds. And the last "revolutions" in Libya, Egypt, Tunis
    and the forthcoming revolution in Syria prove that the best of all.

    From: Baghdasarian