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Armenian Governor Again Accused Of Violence

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  • Armenian Governor Again Accused Of Violence

    Irina Hovhannisyan, Astghik Bedevian

    Armenia - Surik Khachatrian, governor of Syunik province.

    An Armenian businesswoman claimed on Tuesday to have been assaulted
    by a regional governor notorious for reportedly violent conduct just
    days after accusing him of corruption and business-related fraud.

    Silva Hambardzumian alleged that Surik Khachatrian of the southeastern
    Syunik province punched her in the head in a Yerevan hotel late on
    Monday, lodging a formal complaint with state prosecutors. Khachatrian
    denied that.

    The prosecutors' investigating arm, the Special Investigative
    Service (SIS), opened a criminal case on the allegations on Tuesday
    evening. The SIS did that after questioning Hambardzumian in connection
    with her corruption allegations made against Khachatrian.

    Speaking at a news conference last week, Hambardzumian, who has
    business interests in Syunik, charged that a mining company owned
    by the governor misappropriated mining equipment worth more than
    100 million drams ($263,000) from another firm belonging to her. She
    also accused him of bullying an Australian firm to sell a gold mine
    located in the mountainous region bordering Iran.

    Armenia - Businesswoman Silva Hambardzumian, undated
    â~@~Kâ~@~KHambardzumian told RFE/RL's Armenian service (
    that Khachatrian assaulted her as she was about to leave the lobby of
    the Armenia Marriott Hotel after a meeting with a foreign business
    partner. She said he hit her before being pulled away by other men
    who accompanied him.

    "I was shocked," she said. "Not because of the beating itself but
    the fact that a man, a state official can beat a woman."

    According to Hambardzumian, the incident was witnessed by Khachik
    Manukian, a businessman and parliament deputy. But Manukian denied
    that. "When I arrived there everything was over," he said.

    "I saw her sitting and crying."

    In Manukian words, Khachatrian and several other men sat nearby in
    the meantime. "People said that some incident occurred, that there
    were some cries," the pro-government lawmaker said.

    The press office of Syunik's regional administration denied the assault
    allegations in a statement issued later on Tuesday. It accused the
    female entrepreneur of "slander."

    For its part, Marriott's security service claimed that no violent
    incidents were witnessed by hotel staff or caught on surveillance
    cameras. "We have no cameras in that section," a security guard,
    who identified himself as Armen, told RFE/RL's Armenian service.

    Hambardzumian insisted, however, that the hotel has video evidence
    of the alleged assault and warned the Marriott management against
    withholding it.

    Khachatrian, better known in Armenia with his "Liska" nickname, and
    his extended family have held sway in the regional town of Goris
    and nearby villages ever since the early 1990s. Independent media
    outlets in Yerevan have for years implicated them in violent attacks
    on local business rivals as well as government critics, including a
    Syunik newspaper editor whose car was set on fire in 2005.

    The controversial governor has always denied involvement in such
    incidents and denounced opposition politicians and pro-opposition
    media for branding him a crime figure. Vazgen Manukian, a former
    opposition leader who now heads President Sarkisian's Public Council,
    referred to him in as an "uneducated criminal" in 2007.

    In 2008, Khachatrian faced an embarrassing government inquiry into
    a newspaper report that accused him of beating up a teenage boy. He
    was eventually cleared of any wrongdoing.

    Armenia - President Serzh Sarkisian (L) and Surik Khachatrian,
    governor of Syunik province, attend an official ceremony.

    Khachatrian, who was appointed as Syunik governor by former President
    Robert Kocharian, managed to retain his post even after the Armenian
    parliament's Audit Chamber accused Syunik officials of embezzling
    575 million drams ($1.5 million) worth of public funds and property
    later in 2008.

    A member of the ruling Republican Party of Armenia (HHK), Khachatrian
    was reputed to be Sarkisian's protégé even before the current
    president succeeded Kocharian in 2008. He personally managed the
    parliamentary election campaign of Sarkisian's controversial brother
    Aleksandr in 2007. The latter ran for parliament unopposed in a
    Goris constituency.

    Also noteworthy is fact that official results of the February 2008
    disputed presidential election showed Sarkisian receiving the highest
    percentage of votes in Syunik.

    Meanwhile, the HHK on Tuesday declined to directly comment on the
    latest scandal involving Khachatrian. "I am not inclined to make
    immediate evaluations," the party's deputy chairman, Galust Sahakian,
    told RFE/RL's Armenian service. "I would just say that the HHK believes
    that state officials must live more restrained lives."

    From: Baghdasarian