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It Is A Strong Positive Signal

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  • It Is A Strong Positive Signal


    Story from News:
    Published: 17:07:36 - 16/11/2011

    EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Vice
    President of the European Commission Catherine Ashton's exclusive
    interview to Mediamax

    Armenian PM and other senior officials stated recently that in 2012
    they aim to hold "the most transparent and fair elections over the
    whole 20-year history of independence". How important are such pledges
    for the EU-Armenia political dialogue?

    This is very important. It is a strong positive signal that we expect
    now to be translated into concrete steps to prepare the elections
    well. As always we stand ready to offer support and advice, to the
    elections and to the many other aspects which together make up the
    concept of "deep democracy", which lies at the heart of the Eastern
    Partnership: freedom of association, expression and assembly, rule of
    law administered by an independent judiciary and the right to a fair
    trail, the effective fight against corruption, as well as security
    and law enforcement sector reform.

    European officials are saying that EU should play a more active role
    in the Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement. Taking into account the
    fact that EU doesn't want to replace the OSCE Minsk Group, how do
    you see this more "active role"?

    We fully support the OSCE Minsk Group in its efforts to achieve a
    peaceful resolution of the conflict on the basis of the principles of
    the non-use of force, territorial integrity and self-determination
    of people. The EU's aim is not to change the format, nor to gain
    influence over the different sides, but to offer more active and
    stronger support.

    We can help create a positive environment, including through
    confidence-building measures. From our own history, we have experience
    in conflict resolution and reconciliation, which we are willing to
    share. We also think it is high time to achieve a settlement, as it
    would provide a boost to the development of the region, help ensure
    stability and make it easier for the people of the region to travel
    and trade. It will help create jobs and stimulate economic growth.

    There should be no further delay. The conflict is holding the region

    It is no secret for anyone that Azerbaijani President and Government
    members are frequently making bellicose statements and saying
    that war is an option for settling the NK issue. During this year
    you have at least twice publicly criticised Azerbaijan for human
    rights violations. Why don't you also call on Azerbaijan to stop
    war propaganda?

    There can only be a negotiated solution to the conflict, and rhetoric
    suggesting otherwise is unhelpful, from whichever side it comes. What
    counts is progress in the talks, and the readiness on both sides to
    make difficult compromises.

    European Parliament adopted a "European Neighborhood Policy
    Review" Resolution this April 7. It contains an urge to develop
    "informal contacts and consultations with the societies of breakaway
    territories"? It is realistic to expect that European Commission is
    going to follow this urge?

    Confidence building, including through people-to-people contacts,
    is necessary to promote mutual understanding. The EU can help both
    sides engage with each other, prepare the ground for a solution,
    show the advantages of peace and of a peaceful Caucasus strongly
    connected to the EU.
