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Prices Will Increase Again

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  • Prices Will Increase Again

    Naira Hayrumyan

    Story from News:
    Published: 15:15:09 - 16/11/2011

    While the parliament is discussing tax amendments and introduction
    of new taxes, enterprises have already added the added taxes to the
    prices of their products.

    As a result of change to the excise tax on alcohol, the price of 0.5
    liters of locally produced beer may go up by 21 drams, stated the
    president of Yerevan Beer Company Hakob Hakobyan. According to him,
    consumption of beer may drop.

    No doubt other products will also get expensive and once again the
    ordinary citizens will have to bear the major enterprisers' burden
    of increase of taxes.

    The government officially does not interfere with prices. Exercising
    this "right", the government provides full price freedom to importers.

    The Anti-Monopoly Committee did not react to the information of the
    businesswoman Silva Hambardzumyan who stated that markup on sugar in
    Armenia imported by Samvel Alexanyan is 100%. The Committee may say
    that it did not receive any written report but it does not change
    anything because its chairman stated a week ago that the prices of
    sugar in Armenia are justified.

    No need to doubt that after tax amendments Alexanyan will raise the
    price of sugar, and the Anti-Monopoly Committee will justify the
    prices once more. It cannot be otherwise. The government did not set
    mark-up limits which the enterprises cannot pass. It benefits from
    this situation.

    Who will the government support? Will it finally set to defend the
    rights of citizens or will this function again be considered as
    secondary to the virtual eminent domain?
