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From Men's World To Petticoat Power?: Businesswoman's Claims Giving

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  • From Men's World To Petticoat Power?: Businesswoman's Claims Giving

    By Naira Hayrumyan

    16.11.11 | 14:03

    Silva Hambartsumyan (left), Surik Khachatryan

    The case of businesswoman Silva Hambartsumyan has a potential of
    becoming a crowbar that will undermine the current oligarchic system
    in Armenia and especially the oligarchy in the mining sector.

    Hambartsumyan, who until recently wasn't much of a public figure, owns
    large businesses both in the mining industry, imports and baking. She
    has become a rare large businessperson who is trying to solve her
    business-related problems using publicity as a powerful weapon. Until
    now, such problems have mostly been solved behind the scenes.

    On November 10, Hambartsumyan called a press conference and made a
    series of sensational accusations. She accused the governor of Syunik
    of forcibly taking her gold mine and stealing expensive equipment
    and accused Samvel Alexanyan, a sugar import monopolist, of getting
    excessive profits by increasing sugar prices twofold and also claimed
    that bread in Armenia could be solved at half the price it is sold
    for at present.

    After that, on November 13, Syunik governor Surik Khachatryan
    reportedly saw Habmartsumyan at the lobby of the Marriott hotel
    in Yerevan and beat her using his fists, a claim later denied by

    Hambartsumyan this time again decided to resort to public defense
    and reported the incident. Until now such "disputes" would not become
    part of a public discourse and would be resolved between the parties
    immediately involved in them.

    But the most interesting thing is that the Special Investigation
    Service of Armenia has actually opened a criminal investigation
    against governor Khachatryan on suspicion that he may have beaten
    Hambartsumyan. Prosecutors are also investigating her claim regarding
    the theft of expensive equipment at the gold mine in Syunik.

    Hambartsumyan, in fact, has accused the Government of the absence of
    a level playing field for businesses, of protecting public officials
    who openly do business and encouraging arbitrary prices and impunity
    in the market.

    She told about how she purchased the gold mines. The license to
    operate the Lichkvaz-Tey and Terterasar gold deposits in the Meghri
    region was issued in 1999 to the Sipan-1 company.

    In 2005, Sipan-1LTD was purchased by one Australian company. Later,
    86.21 percent of the shares of this Australian company was purchased
    by another Australian company. And in September 2008 that Australian
    company decided not to deploy additional resources in Armenia. The
    Australians said that the gold reserves were less than they had
    expected. After some time, Hambartsumyan purchased Sipan-1.

    "The Australians ran away because they were very much frightened
    by the governor of Syunik Suren Khachatryan, who said to them: you
    should leave it and go, as this deposit should become mine. And they
    got frightened and sold everything," said the businesswoman, adding
    that the Syunik governor stole equipment worth a total of $102 million
    drams (about $ 270,000) from Lichkvaz-Tey and that this equipment is
    now at the Gehvadzor deposit that belongs to Khachatryan.

    Hambartsumyan says that despite the lawlessness that exists in her
    respect she will continue to invest not only in the mining sector,
    but also in the food industry. Until December 20 a large bakery will
    be opened in the Avan district of Yerevan. After that the businesswoman
    intends to lower bread prices by 30 percent.

    Now some in the Armenian public are eager to see how the investigation
    on claims against the controversial Syunik governor will unfold.

    From: Baghdasarian