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Hayastan All-Armenian Fund's French Affiliate To Launch 12th Europea

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  • Hayastan All-Armenian Fund's French Affiliate To Launch 12th Europea

    16.11.2011 15:43

    Hayastan All-Armenian Fund's 12th European Phoneathon, the second
    largest annual fundraising event after the Telethon, will kick off
    in France on November 17 and run through November 20.

    Some 700 volunteers from France, Germany, and Switzerland will work
    the phones throughout the four-day event, with calls being placed 12
    hours a day. Stationed in Paris, Lyon, Marseille, Nice, and Toulouse,
    the volunteers will call close to 60,000 Armenian families, businesses,
    and organizations across Europe to request financial support for the
    ongoing development of Armenia and Artsakh. Also participating in
    the Phoneathon will be the Armenian communities of the Netherlands
    and Greece.

    Funds raised during Phoneathon 2011 will be dedicated to vital
    water-infrastructure projects in close to ten rural communities
    throughout Artsakh and the Tavush Region of Armenia.

    Proceeds from last year's Phoneathon, totaling around 1.4 million
    euros, were used for the construction or renovation of water
    infrastructures in the Hartashen, Togh, Aknaghbyur, and Ukhtadzor
    villages of Artsakh's Hadrut Region as well as the construction of a
    school in Ashotsk, a rural community in Armenia's Shirak Region (please
    visit for detailed information about these projects).

    Phoneathon 2011 will be hosted by popular French journalist and
    television personality Michel Drucker. "My parents come from Romania,
    where there is a sizeable Armenian community, and I've often heard
    of the Armenians and some of the tragic chapters of their history,"
    Drucker said.

    "I feel honored to take part in Phoneathon 2011, which is led by the
    Hayastan All-Armenian Fund's French affiliate and aims to contribute
    to the rebirth of the Armenian homeland," Drucker continued as he
    appealed to Armenian communities in Europe for support. "Thousands
    of people in Artsakh and Armenia depend on your generosity," he said.

    In the words of Bedros Terzian, chairman of the fund's French
    affiliate, the Phoneathon not only continues to grow, but has long
    shed its definition as a strictly national project, every year drawing
    increasing numbers of non-Armenian supporters. This year, for instance,
    a full 90 percent of the Phoneathon's Toulouse contingent consists
    of non-Armenian volunteers while the overall number of volunteers has
    grown tenfold since the Phoneathon's inception 11 years ago. In 2000,
    when the far-reaching fundraising event was initiated by the Hayastan
    All-Armenian Fund's French affiliate, it was run by 70 volunteers,
    and calls were made from Paris only.

    In 2000, the inaugural Phoneathon yielded 2,907 donation pledges and
    raised an amount in francs equivalent to 216,500 euros. In the 11
    years of the Phoneathon, over 411,000 phone calls have been made and
    a total of almost 10 million euros has been raised through donations
    by close to 21,000 supporters. All proceeds have been used for the
    implementation of infrastructure-development projects in Armenia
    and Artsakh.

    From: A. Papazian