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'American Horror Story' Recap: "Open House"

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  • 'American Horror Story' Recap: "Open House"

    By: Emily Cheever
    Nov 17 2011

    A phone beeping off it's hook, an ominous score, a woman weeping by
    the fireplace. Looks like it's another episode of American Horror
    Story. And break out the iced tea because this week it's an "Open

    I'm starting to wish this show was a little more deft in revealing
    their rules of haunting. For example, why (besides the fact that she
    was a lusty woman in her life) can Moira be seen differently? Why
    haven't we met Larry's wife and children? And mostly (perhaps they're
    saving that for a finale) what is so special about this house/land

    In previous week's we've seen a little more opportunities for acting
    where this week was back to it's freak fest roots. Not only do we
    see that Constance once chained up her other mentally challenged
    son in the attic, Viv masturbating to the black security guard, a
    mastectomy due to demon baby teeth, but we also see Moira literally
    bite someone's dick off. Entertaining? Yes. Sensical? Eh. But being
    seven episodes in, I suppose we can't hope for much sense anymore.

    The pulp of the episode came from the fact that Vivian trying to
    sell the house. Even with her issues, she's the most balanced person
    on this show. She gets two offers- one from Larry and one from an
    Armenian developer who lusts after Moira and everyone calls Persian.

    One of the two interested buyers will be schlongless by the episode. I
    bet you can guess which one.

    The Armenian wants to buy the house with the sole purpose of tearing
    it down to build an apartment complex. Constance, having most of her
    relatives in the house, hates the idea as she fears that she will
    loose her ghost family forever. This is how she enlists Moira's help,
    and Larry's (subplot: he's in love with her and his wife knew it- she
    was the one who burned herself and the kids) to do that unspeakable
    thing. What was it? Oh right, that penis thing. After the Armenian
    dies Constance orders, "make sure he's off the property before he
    expires. i wouldn't care to ever encounter his carcass again."

    Unfortunately, Violet's character is starting to be pushed into a
    one note teen. Yes, we get it. She's sad. She can see ghosts, she
    likes the house, and she's sad. Hopefully they will play more with
    the idea that 1) she's still a normal teenager who should, you know,
    do stuff and 2) really have fun with the plot that she's dating a
    ghost. Now she just seems pathetically content in her moping, which
    is something that all teenagers do from time to time, but considering
    that this was never a show about normalcy, they should switch it
    up. I do appreciate that there was a glimpse of Violet beginning
    to understand her medium powers- in writing classes they talk about
    this as "learning the rules of the world." Still, it was not enough
    to push me into affection for her character.

    The big reveal and push from this episode comes from Vivian at the
    very end. We now know that Vivian is having twins, not a demon baby,
    which is disappointing on some level. But when Violet shows her old
    photos that she found in the attic she recognizes the face of Mrs. Dr.

    Charles. Will Vivian start to believe in ghosts?

    I'd prefer that in the future of American Horror Story, they stick to
    just establishing the history and cut out guest characters. Sure, Eric
    Stonestreetâ~@~K and Zach Quintoâ~@~K were great, but this Armenian
    guy? I felt that he only existed for shock value. We got enough
    shock value already when we find out that Mrs. Dr. Charles' monster
    baby (made by her ether addicted husband) is alive. Then she tries
    to breast feed it (it bites her nipple off, essentially). Then she
    kills her husband and herself. See? That's enough shock value. Listen,
    I truly love how creatively f*cked up this show is but like all Ryan
    Murphy shows need to be reminded, a little goes a long way.

    Awesome scene acknowledgement: After Moira gives the Armenian a blow
    job for the first time (as the young one), the old Moira leaves
    the room wiping her chin. It's a simple trick but really fun. The
    camera work that is, not the whole know what, you get what
    I'm saying.

    SumOlogy: Private parts are at the mercy of American Horror Story.
