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Odd Azeri Logic Or Commotion In Karabakh Settlement

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  • Odd Azeri Logic Or Commotion In Karabakh Settlement

    Marina Ananikyan

    November 16, 2011 - 21:29 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - Over 10 OSCE Minsk Group member states seek active
    involvement in the settlement of Karbakh conflict, the vice- speaker
    of Azeri parliament Bakhar Muradova stated, noting Baku's support
    for the initiative.

    Clearly, involvement of countries which had no previous experience
    in Karabakh settlement, as opposed to Russia, France and U.S., will
    confuse the process, serving as a major throwback to further protract
    the conflict.

    Azerbaijan, which never stops weaponry purchase, still hopeful to
    resume the war, will be the only side to benefit from the situation.

    However, Azerbaijan continues its illogical line, with Muradova's
    statement running counter to her previous remarks. In reply to
    urges of removing France as OSCE MG co-chair, she noted, "any
    change of co-chairmanship format will delay the settlement. The
    EU or other international organizations, capable of affecting
    the negotiation process, will be able to do it without replacing
    France. Its replacement isn't essential. Over the past period, the 3
    co-chairing countries gained the necessary experience. Replacement of
    a co-chair with a country, unaware of the situation, will complicate
    the situation."

    The vice- speaker seems to be having trouble with deciding whether
    Baku needs involvement of a dozen of countries in Karbakh settlement
    or is concerned over the replacement of even one co-chair. In short,
    Azerbaijan keeps jumping out of the frying-pan into the fire, trying
    to present itself as a supporter of a rapid settlement of Karabakh
    issue, while secretly working to protract the conflict.

    "Involvement of other countries and structures in Karabakh settlement
    will trigger further diplomatic commotion," Strategic Studies Institute
    deputy director general, political analyst Andrey Areshev said. And
    a commotion of that scale will take a long time to dispel.
