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  • Diary

    Hugh Muir
    Wednesday 16 November 2011 22.55 GMT

    Airports and now parliament. Smile nicely. The official will wave
    you through

    Looks like Theresa May will survive the border checks scandal. It was
    her versus Brodie Clark, the man on whose watch Yarl's Wood detention
    centre burned to the ground. To quote Kissinger, it's a shame they
    can't both lose. Still, tricky thing, border security. Take the Palace
    of Westminster. Visitors are rightly subject to the strictest checks:
    scanners, bag checks, photo passes to be worn round the neck. But
    the system can get overwhelmed. On Monday large numbers were seeking
    entry via the St Stephen's entrance to attend, among other things,
    the home affairs select committee's grilling of "no rogue officer"
    Clark over the relaxation of controls on arrivals. Alas, the camera
    used for photo ID ceased to function, so someone somewhere decided
    to relax controls and issue blank passes. Who took the decision? Pick
    a culprit. Any culprit. Aim low.

    ~U To the foreign desk, where we find that last week's item about
    Mike Hancock, the libidinous Lib Dem MP for Portsmouth, and his recent
    jaunt to Azerbaijan has caused a few problems. We said the whole thing
    - flights, accommodation - was costed by Hancock in the register
    of members' interests at around £1,500. But maybe politics got in
    the way; perhaps something was lost in translation. Anyway, within
    hours a skewed version of the item appeared on the front page of the
    Azerbaijani newspaper Azadliq and prominently in another publication,
    Yeni Musavat, as proof of an alleged corruption scandal involving
    President Ilham Aliyev. "Hancock was awarded a £1,500 'honorarium' in
    exchange to his visit," said Azadliq. Yeni Musavat said our reporting
    about an "honorarium" of £1,500 awarded to Hancock for his Baku visit
    has "sparked a serious scandal inside the ruling establishment".

    What's more, it said, Elkhan Suleymanov, who organised the event
    to mark Azerbaijan's 20th anniversary of independence, has been
    criticised by the authorities for "failing to protect confidentiality
    of the award". All most unfortunate, for it was never the case that
    Hancock took a bung, just a common-or-garden jolly. This was never
    the stuff of scandal, though he is no stranger to that world.

    Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan! So good they named it twice. And the country
    is very much in the minds of our legislators, some of whom, including
    Mike Hancock, tabled an early-day motion to mark the aforementioned
    anniversary. It congratulated Azerbaijan on its close links with the
    EU, assistance to Nato in Iraq and Afghanistan, and decision to make
    the UK "the principal source of foreign direct investment". So far,
    so very friendly. Along come party poopers Paul Flynn and Mark Durkan
    with a formal amendment. Take out all that guff about the EU and
    Nato and general cuddliness, they insist. Say instead that the house
    "notes the concern expressed by human rights groups that Azerbaijan
    has grown increasingly authoritarian in recent years", and "that in
    2010 Azerbaijan was ranked 134 out of 178 in the World Corruption
    Index by Transparency International". There's talk about suppression,
    the jailing of bloggers, "the alleged harassment by police of citizens
    who voted for an Armenian song in the Eurovision Song Contest", and
    "the gullibility of those who place their trust in this oppressive
    government". Again, most unfortunate. And should Flynn and Durkin
    wish to travel to Azerbaijan - for a stay, perhaps, and drinks and
    canapes - one suspects they will have to pay for it themselves.

    Back home, and the new head of the civil service is to be Sir Robert
    Kerslake, of the Department for Communities and Local Government. Will
    this mean a departure from tradition? The Local Government Chronicle
    thinks so. "Not many chief executives, let alone knights of the realm,
    are able to extol the virtues of hip-hop acts such as Roots Manuva or
    Somalian rapper K'Naan," it says. He is "a big hip-hop fan as well as
    being keen on". He snoops to conquer then. Sir Humphrey
    Dogg, welcome.

    Finally, a shock for Clint Eastwood as he learns that George Bush
    Sr considered him as a running mate in 1988. Clint says it would
    never have worked out. "He must have been drinking." Wrong Bush,
    but well said.

    From: A. Papazian