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AI: Azeri Government Prosecutes More Activists On Trumped-Up Charges

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  • AI: Azeri Government Prosecutes More Activists On Trumped-Up Charges


    November 17, 2011 - 12:32 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - Despite a systematic campaign of harassment by the
    authorities, young Azerbaijani activists are determined to find a
    way to exercise their rights to freedom of expression and assembly,
    Amnesty International said.

    In the face of a government crackdown on dissent, the internet has
    become the last refuge for free expression in Azerbaijan. A small but
    determined group of young activists are video blogging, posting and
    tweeting their calls for democratic reforms and an end to pervasive
    government corruption. In response, the government is prosecuting more
    and more activists on trumped-up charges. The overwhelming majority
    of these individuals are convicted after unfair trials and sentenced
    to long prison terms. The Azerbaijani authorities are doing everything
    in their power to discredit and intimidate them. State television has
    broadcasted a series of interviews and documentaries which portrayed
    Facebook users as "mentally ill". Universities, controlled by the
    state, routinely warn students to steer clear of criticizing the
    status quo or face expulsion, AI said.

    It added: at the moment, it appears that oil rich Azerbaijan can rely
    on trade partners, many of them from the European Union, turning
    a blind eye to their human rights violations. Consequently, the
    Azerbaijani government continues to pay little heed to the criticism
    of human rights organizations and human rights institutions such as
    the European Court of Human Rights. The authorities use their powerful
    state machinery, paid for by oil and gas profits, to silence dissenting
    voices. They are likely to continue doing so with ease and impunity
    as long as foreign governments are reluctant to support these voices.

    As the European Commission oversees bilateral trade relations between
    European Union member states, Amnesty International is calling on
    Jose Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission:

    To ensure that the European Union gives priority to significant
    improvements in respecting and protecting human rights of the people
    of Azerbaijan while co-operating with Azerbaijan in trade negotiations;

    To raise cases where individuals' rights have been violated when it
    is necessary; in accordance with the European Union guidelines on
    Human Rights Defenders;

    To call for the immediate and unconditional release of Jabbar Savalan,
    Bakhtiyar Hajiyev, Tural Abbasli and Rufat Hajibaili in all dialogues
    with the Azerbaijani authorities.
