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Crossroads E-Newsletter - November 17, 2011

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  • Crossroads E-Newsletter - November 17, 2011

    Eastern Prelacy of the Armenian Apost. Church of America and Canada
    H.E. Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan
    Prelate, Easter Prelacy and Canada
    138 East 39th Street
    New York, NY 10016
    Tel: 212-689-7810
    Fax: 212-689-7168

    November 17, 2011


    The Annual Thanksgiving Telethon of Armenia Fund USA will raise funds
    to establish new water sources to homes in Karabakh. In support of
    this initiative, Archbishop Oshagan has directed all Prelacy parishes
    to circulate special offering plates last Sunday and again this
    Sunday, November 20, in support of this endeavor. His Eminence also
    encouraged everyone to participate in the Thanksgiving Day telethon
    next Thursday, November 24.

    The town of Karmir Shuka in Karabakh, famous for its winery, has only
    one spigot where the towns 1,050 residents get their water. Armenia
    Fund USA and the government of Karabakh are co-financing

    for the development of new water sources, which will have its own
    reservoir and filtration system and eventually connect to the existing
    water network, which is also being updated. Then the pipeline will be
    extended to reach every household, making this one-spigot town a thing
    of the past.

    Armenia Fund USA was founded in 1992 as the first of Hayastan
    All-Armenian Funds 22 international affiliates. The Fund focuses on
    building sustainable infrastructure in Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh,
    through the development of roads, schools, medical facilities, and
    utilities. Additionally, the Fund invests in humanitarian programs in
    education, training, and healthcare.

    Donations can be made during the Thanksgiving Day Telethon. Donations
    may also be sent directly to the Prelacy, 138 E. 39th Street, New
    York, NY 10016. Checks should be payable to Armenian Apostolic Church
    of America. Please indicate ArmeniaFund USA in the memo area.

    For a complete telethon schedule go to (

    Archbishop Oshagan will join a select number of guests at a dinner
    tonight hosted by the Armenia Fund USA in honor of His Excellency Bako
    Sahakyan, President of the Nagorno Karabagh Republic, and His Eminence
    Archbishop Pargev Martirosian, Primate of the Diocese of Artsakh, who
    are currently in the United States. Current development initiatives by
    Armenia Fund USA will be presented.


    President Bako Sahakyan, President of Nagorno Karabagh, and Archbishop
    Pargev Martirosian, Primate of Artsakh, will visit the Prelacy office
    tomorrow afternoon, Friday, November 18, where Archbishop Oshagan will
    welcome them and host a luncheon for the honored guests and a select
    number of community leaders.


    Bishop Anoushavan Tanielian, Vicar, together with Rev. Fr. Mesrob
    Lakissian, pastor of St. Illuminators Cathedral, and Dr. Vazgen
    Ghougassian, Executive Director of the Prelacy, paid a courtesy visit
    to the Consul General of Lebanon, Antoine Azzam, yesterday. During the
    visit they discussed the practical application of recent initiatives
    made by Lebanon to allow all of its citizens, even those living
    outside of Lebanon, participate in the upcoming elections. The Consul
    General said that contact has been made with the various religious
    communities encouraging them to disseminate information and encourage
    the submission of applications which may lead to the facilitation for
    voting by all citizens.

    From left to right: Dr. Vazken Ghougassian, Executive Director of
    Prelacy; H.E. Antoine Azzam, Consul General of Lebanon; Bishop
    Anoushavan Tanielian, Vicar of the Prelacy; Rev. Fr. Mesrob
    Lakissian, pastor of St. Illuminators Cathedral.


    Last weekend Soorp Khatch Church, Bethesda, Maryland, celebrated its
    47th anniversary. On Saturday, His Eminence Archbishop Oshagan
    presided over the parishs anniversary banquet, and on Sunday he
    celebrated the Divine Liturgy and delivered the sermon.

    Archbishop Oshagan and Rev. Fr. Sarkis Aktavoukian, pastor of Soorp
    Khatch Church, with members of the choir and altar servers following
    the Divine Liturgy last Sunday. The parish commemorated its 47th


    Two new crystal chandeliers were blessed and illuminated last Sunday
    at Sts. Vartanantz Church in Ridgefield, New Jersey. Bishop Anoushavan
    Tanielian, Vicar of the Prelacy, presided over the Divine Liturgy
    which was celebrated by Rev. Fr. Hovnan Bozoian, pastor. The Vicar
    delivered the sermon and following the Divine Liturgy and Requiem
    Service presided over the blessing of the newly-installed
    chandeliers. The new chandeliers, which join one that was installed
    several years ago, were donated by Mrs. Jeanette Der Ghazarian in
    memory of her husband, Boghos Der Ghazarian, and Mr. Zohrab
    Stamboulian in memory of all deceased members of the Stamboulian

    Bishop Anoushavan Tanielian, conducts the blessing of the chandeliers
    with the assistance of Rev. Fr. Hovnan Bozoian, and altar servers at
    Sts. Vartanantz Church in New Jersey.

    The two new crystal chandeliers were lit during the blessing ceremony.


    An enthusiastic crowd gathered at St. Gregory the Illuminator Church
    in Granite City, Illinois, on November 6, to enjoy the sounds of
    classical music by world class musicians of the St. Louis Symphony
    Orchestra. The orchestras Community Partnership program affords local
    churches and other non-profit groups a combination of orchestral
    musicians at no cost to play chamber music to reach a broader
    listening audience.

    This concert, sponsored by the churchs Fellowship Club, featured a
    string quartet made up of members of the orchestras string section,
    was the second of such concerts at St. Gregory. The Fellowship Club
    first sponsored one of these concerts on April 20, 2009, which
    coincided with the 40-day memorial karasounk for former pastor,
    Rev. Fr. Vartan Kassabian.

    Highlights of the concert included Mozarts K.157 string quartet and
    two Caprices of Paganini played expertly by quartet leader, Manuel
    Ramos, a long time member of the Symphonys violin section who has been
    on sabbatical, concertizing around the world as a celebration of his
    sixtieth birthday, which happened to be the day of this concert. The
    ensemble also played Yegmalians Hayr Mer while the Armenian s in
    attendance proudly sang along with great emotion.

    Perhaps the most exciting portion was the premier of an original work
    by the churchs pastor, Rev. Fr. Stephan Baljian, who along with his
    divinity degrees holds a Bachelors degree in musical composition. Der
    Stephan offered a completed Scherzo movement of a string quartet he
    has been working on. The work is an experiment in coupling Armenian
    dance rhythms with modal harmonies traditional and
    non-traditional. The fiery works stunning premiere received a standing

    Following the concert, attendees enjoyed a lovely dessert reception,
    during which they congratulated Der Hayr and the performers. Der Hayr
    also led them in singing Happy Birthday to Mr. Ramos.

    At St. Gregory Church in Granite City, front row (l to r): Virginia
    Fusdigian (Fellowship Club Chair), Elizabeth Ramos (Violin II), Ranya
    Iqbal (Cello), Laura Reycraft (Viola). Back row (l to r):
    Rev. Fr. Stephan Baljian (Pastor), Manuel Ramos (Violin I), Maureen
    Byrne (St. Louis Symphonys Director of Community Programs).

    As reported last week, Rev. Fr. Hrant Kevorkian began his service to
    St. Hagop Church, Racine, Wisconsin, and St. Paul Church, Waukegan,
    Illinois. Der Hrant and Yeretzgin Tamar are pictured with members of
    the Ladies Guild at St. Hagop Church.


    Bible readings for Sunday, November 20, Eleventh Sunday of the
    Exaltation of the Holy Cross, Eve of the Fast of Advent, are: Isaiah
    29:11-20; Phillippians 4:8-24; Luke 11:1-13.

    He was praying in a certain place, and after he had finished, one of
    his disciples said to him, Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his
    disciples. He said to them, When you pray, say: Father, Hallowed be
    your name. Your kingdome come. Give us each day our daily bread. And
    forgive us our sins, for we ourselves forgive everyone indebted to
    us. And do not bring us to the time of trial.

    And he said to them, Suppose one of you has a friend, and you go to
    him at midnight and say to him, Friend, lend me three loaves of bread;
    for a friend of mine has arrived, and I have nothing to set before
    him. And he answers from within, Do not bother me; the door has
    already been locked, and my children are with me in bed; I cannot get
    up and give you anything. I tell you, even though he will not get up
    and give him anything because he is his friend, at least because of
    his persistence he will get up and give him whatever he needs.

    So I say to you, Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will
    find; knock, and the door will be opened for you. For everyone who
    asks receives, and everyone who searches finds, and for everyone who
    knocks, the door will be opened. Is there anyone among you who, if
    your child asks for a fish, will give a snake instead of a fish? Or if
    the child asks for an egg, will give a scorpion? If you then, who are
    evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will
    the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those4 who ask him! (Luke

    For a listing of the coming weeks Bible readings click here (



    This Saturday, November 19, the Armenian Church commemorates the Feast
    of All Saints, Old and New, Known and Unknown.

    There are 325 named saints who are commemorated by the Armenian
    Church. The genesis of the Feast of All Saints comes from the belief
    that there are many saints who are unknown. The designation old and
    new is not a reference to the Old and New Testaments, but rather
    refers to saints who are unknown from the time of our Lord to the
    present day. The date of this feast is variable depending on the
    season of the Cross. It is celebrated in those years when the season
    of the cross is extended one week, depending on the date of Easter.


    This Sunday, November 20, is the Eve (Paregentan) of the Fast of
    Advent (Hisnag). This is a week-long fast (Monday to Friday) leading
    up to the first Sunday of Advent, which is next Sunday, November
    27. Advent is the period that guides us to the birth and baptism of
    Christ. It begins fifty days before January 6. Advent is intended to
    be a solemn and quiet time for prayer, reflection, and meditation in
    preparation for the mystery of the incarnation.

    Traditionally the entire fifty-day period of Advent was a period of
    fasting. Now there are three week-long fasts during Advent (along with
    the regular fasting days of Wednesday and Friday). The three week-long
    fasts are known as: The Fast of Advent (Hisnagats Bahk); The Fast of
    St. James (Sourp Hagopeh Bahk); and the Fast of the Nativity
    (Dznuntyan Bahk).


    This Monday, November 21, the Armenian Church commemorates the
    Presentation of the Holy Mother to the Temple (Undzayoum Sourp
    Asdvadzadzini), one of the eight feast days devoted to the Holy Mary
    in the Armenian Liturgical calendar. This feast is always commemorated
    on November 21 in remembrance of the presentation of the Holy Mother
    to the Temple when she was three years old. She remained in the house
    of God for twelve years. At a time when education was generally denied
    to females, she studied with scholars, under the care of Zachariah,
    father of John the Baptist.


    By Virginia Matosian Apelian

    An engrossing memoir filled with the personal history of genocide
    survivors from Musa Dagh as well as a vivid picture of life in the
    United States, written by Virginia Apelian, an energetic and effective
    activist who worked with New Jersey state and local leaders and
    agencies to advance the Armenian cause.
    Soft cover, 538 pages, $26.99 plus shipping and handling.

    To order this book or for information contact the Prelacy Bookstore by
    email ([email protected] (mailto:[email protected]))
    or by telephone (212-689-7810).



    November 17Video of the month presented by Anthropology/Armenian
    Museum, Queens College, Flushing, New York, 1:30 pm, A Requiem,
    (1994), directed by Sergei Paradjanov. Admission is free. For
    information: 718-428-5650.

    November 18-19Holy Trinity Church, Worcester, Massachusetts, Fall Food
    Festival in the church hall at 635 Grove Ave. Festival opens 4 pm
    Saturday, with dinner served from 5 until 8 pm. Saturday at 11 am,
    with dinner served from noon until 4 pm. Selections include shish,
    chicken, losh kebabs, and kheyma. Baked goods and Country Store
    available both days.

    November 20Food Festival hosted by ARS Erebouni Chapter of New York,
    at St. Sarkis Church, Douglaston, New York, 1 to 4 pm. Come for the
    food; stay for the fun. Homemade food, music, raffles, face painting
    and more. Take home goodies for Thanksgiving. For information:

    November 18-20Annual Bazaar and Food Festival, Sts. Vartanantz Church,
    Ridgefield, New Jersey. Live entertainment Friday and
    Saturday. Children's activities, vendors, homemade Manti, Kufte, Sou
    Buereg, Choreg and more. Traditional Kavourma dinner on
    Sunday. Extensive mezze and dessert menu for your Thanksgiving table
    available for take-out.

    November 20St. Illuminators Cathedral, New York City, Thanksgiving
    Dinner in Pashalian Hall, presented by the Ladies Guild, 1 pm, under
    auspices of Rev. Fr. Mesrob Lakissian, Pastor. Delicious traditional
    meal, music, dance, raffle and more. For information: 212-689-5880.

    December 1Avak luncheon sponsored by St. Gregory Church, 158 Main
    Street, North Andover Massachusetts, at noon. Speaker, Tom
    Vartabedian, Armenians in the Strangest Places. Public invited.

    December 3Christmas Bazaar hosted by St. Asdvadzadzin Church,
    Whitinsville, Massachusetts, at the Northbridge Middle School, 171
    Linwood Ave. Baked goods, gourmet meals, pastries, silent auction,
    childrens activities, and much more. Plenty of parking. For
    information: 508-234-3677.

    December 3Annual Holiday Bake Sale. St. Paul Church, 645 S. Lewis
    Avenue, Waukegan, Illinois, 9 am to 3 pm. Enjoy authentic Armenian
    pastries and plan to stay for lunch at St. Paul Caf. For information
    or pre-orders, 847-244-4573.

    December 4Ordination of Krikor Esayan to the Diaconate at
    St. Illuminators Cathedral, New York City.

    December 4St. Stephen Church, Watertown, Massachusetts, presents an
    informative evening with Armen Aroyan, Travels Through Historic
    Armenia, 4 pm in the church hall. For information: 617-924-7562.

    December 7Best-selling author Peter Balakian will speak about the
    expanded, anniversary edition of his book Black Dog of Fate. Hosted by
    the Book Group of the Church of the Ascension, 12 W. 11th Street, New
    York City, at 7 pm. Event is free. Wine and cocktail snacks
    provided. For RSVP or more information email Janine Shamshoian
    Economides at [email protected].

    December 8Video of the month by Anthropology/Armenian Museum, Queens
    College, Flushing, New York, 1:30 pm, Ashik Kerib, (1988), directed by
    Sergei Paradjanov. Admission is free. For information: 718-428-5650.

    December 10Armenian Holiday Food Fair, St. Hagop Church Auxiliary,
    Racine, Wisconsin, 11 am to 4 pm at Hilda Soultanian Hall, 4100
    N. Newmann Road, Racine.

    December 113rd annual Simply Christmas concert of St. Sarkis Church,
    Douglaston, New York, An Acoustic Christmas Concert with Hooshere,
    immediately following church services. Luncheon will follow concert to
    honor all auxiliary members of St. Sarkis Church. Free admission.

    December 18Sunday School Christmas Pageant, St. Gregory Church,
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. For information: 215-482-9200.

    December 31New Years Gala, St. Gregory Church of Merrimack Valley,
    North Andover, Massachusetts, Wyndham Hotel, Andover, 8:30 pm. $75 per
    person includes mezze and the famous Midnight Soujouk & Eggs Full
    Breakfast Buffet and Desserts. Music by Richard Berberian, Mal
    Barsamian, Bruce Girgarjian, and Ron Tutunjian. For
    information/reservations contact church office, 978-685-5038.

    January 14Huyser Musical Ensemble of St. Illuminators Cathedral, New
    York, presents Heartbeat of our Land, under auspices of
    H.E. Archbishop Oshagan, 7:30 pm at Florence Gould Hall, 55 E. 59th
    Street (between Madison and Park Avenues), New York City. Special
    appearance by AGBU Antranig Armenian Dance Ensemble. For
    information/tickets contact the Cathedrals office,
    212-689-5880. Tickets also available on line at (

    March 25Celebration of the 40th anniversary of Bishop Anoushavan
    Tanielians ordination to the priesthood. Save the date.

    May 9-12, 2012National Representative Assembly of Eastern Prelacy,
    hosted by Sts. Vartanantz Church, Providence, Rhode Island. Clergy
    conference on May 9; full delegation May 10 to 12. Accommodations at
    Crowne Plaza Hotel, Warwick, Rhode Island. Details will be forthcoming
    to parishes and delegates.

    May 11-12National Association of Ladies Guilds (NALG), 30th
    anniversary celebration and annual conference in conjunction with the
    National Representative Assembly, Crowne Plaza, Warwick, Rhode
    Island. For information: Mary Derderian 781-762-4253.

    Web pages of the parishes can be accessed through the Prelacys web

    To ensure the timely arrival of Crossroads in your electronic mailbox,
    add [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) to
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    Items in Crossroads can be reproduced without permission. Please
    credit Crossroads as the source.

    Parishes of the Eastern Prelacy are invited to send information about
    their major events to be included in the calendar. Send to:
    [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress