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eNewsletter of the Eastern Diocese - 11/17/2011

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  • eNewsletter of the Eastern Diocese - 11/17/2011

    Diocese of the Armenian Church of America
    630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
    Tel: (212) 686-0710
    Fax: (212) 779-3558
    Email: [email protected]

    TOP STORY November
    17, 2011

    Holy Mother of God, Asdvadzadzin
    A detail of a painting depicting St. Mary from Holy Etchmiadzin.

    _Presentation of the Mother-of-God to the Temple_

    On Monday, November 21, the worldwide Armenian Church will celebrate the
    Feast of the Presentation of the Holy Mother-of-God to the Temple.

    Shortly after Mary was born, her parents Joachim and Anna took their
    daughter to the Temple of Jerusalem to be consecrated to God in thanksgiving
    for the gift of their child. According to tradition, Mary remained there for
    a time and was given over to the care of pious widows and maidens who lived
    at the temple. Later, as a young woman, Mary became betrothed to Joseph the
    Click here to learn more about Mary's life.

    Holy Trinity Armenian Church in Cheltenham, PA

    _Primate to Visit Holy Trinity Church of Cheltenham, PA_

    Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Diocesan Primate, will visit Holy Trinity
    Church of Cheltenham, PA, on Sunday, November 20, as the community gathers
    to mark the 45th anniversary of the church's consecration.

    Archbishop Barsamian will celebrate the Divine Liturgy and ordain five
    acolytes and five sub-deacons. Later in the afternoon, a banquet will be
    held featuring performances by local artists. Several parishioners will be
    recognized for their years of service with the `St. Vartan Award.'
    Click here to visit the parish website.

    Scripture of the Week

    Is 29:11-20
    Phil 4:8-24
    Lk 11:1-13

    Prayer of the Week

    Let us hold the holy Mother-of-God and all the saints as intercessors with
    the Father in Heaven, that He may be pleased to have mercy and compassion on
    us, His creatures, and save us. Almighty Lord, our God, save us and have
    mercy on us. Amen.

    Upcoming Saints & Feasts

    _19 November: _Feast of All Saints, Old and New, Known and Unknown

    _20 November:_ Barekendan of the Fast of Advent

    _21 November:_ Presentation of the Holy Mother-of-God to the Temple


    Soorp Asdvzdzadzin Church in Odzun village
    Sourp Mariam Asdvadzadzin Church in Odzun, Armenia.

    _Restoration of 6th-Century Church to Begin in Armenia _

    Armenia's Ministry of Culture and the Hovhannes Imastaser Catholicos
    Odznetsi charitable foundation recently announced that they will work
    together to restore the historic Sourp Mariam Asdvadzadzin Church in
    Armenia's northern village of Odzun.

    Established in the 6th century, the church underwent its first major
    reconstruction in the 8th century under the leadership of the Catholicos
    Hovhannes Imastaser Odznetsi. During the Soviet period, the church fell into
    ruin. Plans were made to renovate the structure in the early 1990s, but the
    project stalled as the young Armenian nation faced the challenges of its
    early years.

    The current project will restore the Sourp Mariam Asdvadzadzin Church to its
    former glory. Experts estimate that it will take three years to complete the
    construction work. [6]

    Click here
    to view a video in Armenian about the new project.


    President of Nagorno Karabagh visit St. Vartan Cathedral
    (foreground, left to right) Archbishop Barkev Martirossian, President Bako
    Sahakyan, and Archbishop Khajag Barsamian at St. Vartan Cathedral on

    _Nagorno-Karabagh Delegation Visits Diocese_

    On Thursday, November 17, a delegation from the Republic of Nagorno-Karabagh
    visited the Diocesan Center in New York, where they met with Archbishop
    Khajag Barsamian, Diocesan Primate; the Very Rev. Fr. Simeon Odabashian,
    Diocesan Vicar; Garnik Nanagoulian, executive director of the Fund for
    Armenian Relief; Oscar Tatosian, chair of the Diocesan Council; and Dr.
    Raffy Hovanessian, Diocesan Council member.

    The delegation was led by Archbishop Barkev Martirossian, Primate of the
    Artsakh Diocese, and Nagorno-Karabagh President Bako Sahakyan.

    The visit began at St. Vartan Cathedral, where Archbishop Barsamian greeted
    Archbishop Martirossian, President Sahakyan, and other guests-including
    David Babayan, assistant to the NKR president; Ambassador Tatoul Markarian,
    Armenia's Ambassador to the United States; Ambassador Garen Nazarian, the
    Permanent Representative of the Republic of Armenia to the United Nations;
    Robert Avetisyan, NKR representative to the U.S; Khoren Bandazian, chair of
    All Armenia Fund USA; and Irina Lazarian, executive director of ArmeniaFund
    USA-and gave them a brief tour of the Eastern Diocese's spiritual center.

    Representatives then met at the Diocesan Complex to discuss recent
    developments in Nagorno-Karabagh, the diaspora's contributions to
    Karabagh's growth, and the annual international Armenia Fund Telethon, which
    will raise money for projects to bring clean drinking water to
    Nagorno-Karabagh and rural areas throughout Armenia. The delegation is
    visiting Armenian communities across the U.S. to encourage participation in
    the telethon, which is scheduled to be broadcast live on Thanksgiving Day,
    Thursday, November 24.

    President Sahakyan and Archbishop Martirossian thanked the Eastern Diocese
    and the Fund for Armenian Relief for their continued support of projects in
    Nagorno-Karabagh. The Eastern Diocese and FAR have shared a warm
    relationship with the Artsakh Diocese and the local government since the
    region's independence movement in the late 1980s.

    President Sahakyan also presented Archbishop Barsamian with a medal in
    recognition of his contributions to Nagorno-Karabagh, as well as on the
    occasion of the 40th anniversary of Archbishop Barsamian's ordination into
    the holy priesthood and his 20th anniversary as Primate of the Eastern

    [7]Click here to view photos.

    Diocesan Council meeting at the Diocesan Center on November 15, 2011
    Members of the Diocesan Council met on Wednesday.

    _Diocesan Council Reviews Progress of Annual Appeal_

    Meeting at the Diocesan Center on Wednesday, November 16, members of the
    Diocesan Council heard from Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Diocesan Primate,
    about the recent pilgrimage he led to Diarbekir for the re-consecration of
    St. Giragos Armenian Church, and the events in Armenia celebrating the 12th
    anniversary of the consecration and enthronement of His Holiness Karekin II
    and his 60th birthday.

    Council members also heard reports from the Very Rev. Fr. Simeon Odabashian,
    Diocesan Vicar; Michael Guglielmo, executive director; and the development
    and finance departments. The council reviewed in detail the progress to date
    of the [8]2011 Annual Appeal, and was heartened by the news that almost 100
    new first-time donors have contributed to the Appeal so far.

    Mr. Guglielmo described the recent ACYOA Leadership Conference, noting the
    impressive level of engagement and energy shown by this group of young
    leaders. Council members also made plans for the next council meeting, which
    is scheduled for Saturday, December 17, in Cambridge, MA. It will be held in
    conjunction with the Boston area Annual Appeal reception that evening.

    Fr. Aren Jebejian speaks at the Midwest clergy conference in November
    Jennifer Morris and Fr. Aren Jebejian at this week's clergy meeting in Palos
    Heights, IL.

    _Midwest Clergy Discuss Lay Ministry Initiatives_

    On Monday, November 14, Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Diocesan Primate,
    presided over a meeting of clergy in the Midwest region. The meeting was
    held at Sts. Joachim and Anne Church in Palos Heights, IL.

    Michael Guglielmo, the Diocese's executive director, and Jennifer Morris,
    youth coordinator, led a discussion on the possibility of expanding
    participation in the Hye Camp program. Also during the meeting, clergy
    shared recent accomplishments in their ministries and spoke about the
    implementation of this year's Diocesan theme: `The Call to Serve: Ministry
    of the Faithful.'

    The meeting concluded with Archbishop Barsamian reflecting on the recent
    pilgrimage he led to Diarbekir for the re-consecration of St. Giragos
    Armenian Church and his trip to Holy Etchmiadzin for events surrounding the
    12th anniversary of the consecration and enthronement of His Holiness
    Karekin II, and his 60th birthday.

    The Midwest clergy will meet again on the occasion of the feast of Sts.
    Ghevontiantz in February 2012.

    Annual Appeal at Naha Restaurant in Chicago, November 2011
    Diocesan leaders gathered at Naha Restaurant in Chicago for an Annual Appeal
    reception last Sunday.

    _Annual Appeal Reception Held in Chicago_

    On Sunday evening, November 13, Chicago's Naha Restaurant hosted a reception
    for the 2011 Annual Appeal. Diocesan leaders gathered to support the
    initiative, which honors the 40th anniversary of Archbishop Khajag
    Barsamian's ordination into the holy priesthood of the Armenian Church.

    The Annual Appeal is the only Diocesan-wide fundraiser conducted each year
    to help the Diocese undertake the many ministries, programs, and resources
    that enrich life in our local parishes. The first $700,000 raised in the
    appeal will fund the Diocese's operating budget; but all funds raised beyond
    that amount will be used to establish a special endowment in our Primate's

    The new "Archbishop Khajag Barsamian Endowment" will nourish vibrant
    existing programs, and allow the Diocese to expand into dynamic new
    ministries-such as support for lay ministry.
    Click here to donate to the appeal. Additional receptions are planned for
    regions across the Diocese in the coming weeks.

    Dr. Nishan Parlakian
    Deacon Rubik Mailian led choir workshops for churches in the Midwest last

    _Sacred Music Council Holds Midwest Choir Workshops _

    Choir members of Midwest churches came together last weekend to study voice
    techniques and Christmas music in preparation for Armenian Christmas on
    January 6.

    The regional workshops were organized by the area clergy and choirs, and
    sponsored by the Sacred Music Council. They were led by Deacon Rubik
    Mailian, chair of the Sacred Music Council and the music director at St.
    John Church of Greater Detroit.

    The workshops included a session for junior choir members in Waukegan, IL,
    on Friday, November 11, and two sessions for choir members in Chicago, IL,
    and Racine, WI, on Saturday, November 12. Topics included the meaning,
    theological significance, and history of the hymns, as well as diction,
    phrasing, and rhythmical articulation.

    Click to[10] read more and to [11]view photos.

    Aleksander Nefedov paints a landscape at the Kasakh River.

    _FAR's Fine Art Program Inspires Armenian Artists _

    FAR's Fine Art Painter's Program recently organized a day trip to the Kasakh
    River in Armenia's western province of Aragatsotn.

    Aleksander Nefedov, a former graduate of the FAR Gulamerian Vocational
    Training Program and a master's student at the Fine Art Academy in Yerevan,
    was a member of the group. `Nowadays it's not easy to go outside of the city
    to work,' he said. `I have always dreamed of being able to paint with my
    senior colleagues and to learn from them.'

    Now in its tenth year, FAR's Fine Art Painter's Program is run in
    collaboration with the Artists Union of Armenia. It gives an opportunity to
    Armenian painters to travel around the country to seek inspiration from the
    beautiful nature of Armenia.
    Click here to read more on FAR's blog.

    Walk thru Bible
    Children took part in the interactive "Walk Thru the Bible" seminar at the
    Church of our Saviour in Worcester, MA, last Saturday.

    _Walk Thru the Bible Seminar a Success in New England_

    Some 120 parishioners from communities across the New England region
    gathered on Saturday, November 12, for an interactive Scripture seminar at
    the Church of Our Saviour in Worcester, MA.

    Titled `Walk Thru the Bible: Old Testament,' the daylong event was sponsored
    by the Diocesan Department of Youth and Education and the New England Sunday
    School Superintendents Association.

    `One of the things all superintendents have come to realize is that unless
    the entire community is modeling a powerful and authentic faith, then
    whatever we offer our children and young people is futile,' said Elise
    Antreassian, the Diocese's Christian Education coordinator. =80=9CThey learn from
    believing adults who are faith models.'

    Click to [13]read more about the seminar and to [14]view photos.


    _Visit our Blog for Daily Advent Reflections_

    Friday, November 18, marks the beginning of the Advent season. Advent means
    `coming'-the coming of Christ; in Armenian it is called Hisnag, from the
    word `fifty.'

    It is the 50-day period during which we prepare to celebrate the Nativity
    and Theophany of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is a time to reflect on our
    relationship with God and to rededicate ourselves to Christ through our
    actions, thoughts, and prayers. Advent can also be an occasion to discover
    God's gifts all around us.

    This year the Department of Youth and Education is offering daily Advent
    reflections on our blog. [15]Click here to view the first reflection, and
    come back each day to read and reflect on the posts.


    Fr. Simeon Odabashian visits Palos Heights parish
    Archbishop Barsamian distributes Holy Communion at Sts. Joachim and Anne
    Church last Sunday.

    _Palos Heights, IL, Parish Marks 53 Years_

    Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Diocesan Primate, visited Sts. Joachim and Anne
    Church of Palos Heights, IL, last weekend, as the parish celebrated the 53rd
    anniversary of the church's consecration.

    On Saturday, November 12, Archbishop Barsamian engaged in a discussion with
    parishioners in the church hall. He answered questions on a range of topics,
    including his personal journey to the priesthood, the ecumenical movement,
    and the traditions and practices of the Armenian Church.

    On Sunday, Archbishop Barsamian celebrated the Divine Liturgy, and joined
    the community for a celebratory dinner to mark the church's anniversary. The
    afternoon featured performances by parish children and the presentation of
    the `Lay Minister of the Year' awards to Robert Koshkarian and Pearl

    Click to [16]read more and to [17]view photos.

    Fr. Simeon Odabashian visits Palos Heights parish
    Fr. Simeon Odabashian with parishioners at Holy Resurrection Church in New
    Britain, CT.

    _Diocesan Vicar Visits Parish in New Britain, CT_

    On Sunday, November 13, the Very Rev. Fr. Simeon Odabashian, Diocesan Vicar,
    visited the Church of the Holy Resurrection in New Britain, CT, where he
    celebrated the Divine Liturgy and met with the community.

    In addition, Fr. Odabashian led a discussion with the Parish Council on this
    year's Diocesan theme: `The Call to Serve: Ministry of the Faithful.' The
    discussion focused on how each Parish Council member views his or her
    service and commitment to the parish in the light of servant leadership as
    exemplified by Christ.

    Blessing service at Holy Resurrection Church
    Fr. Hovhan Khoja-Eynatyan and Fr. Paren Galstyan bless the new cultural hall
    at Holy Resurrection Church in South Milwaukee, WI.

    _New Cultural Hall Blessed in South Milwaukee, WI_

    On Saturday, November 12, Holy Resurrection Church of South Milwaukee, WI,
    celebrated the completion of the renovation of the church's cultural hall.

    The Rev. Fr. Paren Galstyan, parish pastor, and the Rev. Fr. Hovhan
    Khoja-Eynatyan, pastor of St. James Church of Evanston, IL, celebrated the
    Divine Liturgy, and performed a requiem service for deceased members of the

    Following services, Fr. Galstyan and Fr. Khoja-Eynatyan blessed the church
    hall, which is dedicated to the survivors of the Armenian Genocide who
    settled in the South Milwaukee area. The renovation project was realized
    through the support of the entire parish.

    [18]Click here to view photos.

    Veteran's day commemoration in Providence
    Fr. Shnork Souin with veterans at Sts. Sahag and Mesrob Church.

    _Veterans Day Commemorated in Providence, RI _

    On Sunday, November 13, Sts. Sahag and Mesrob Church of Providence, RI,
    commemorated Veterans Day. The day began with the celebration of the Divine
    Liturgy by parish pastor, the Rev. Fr. Shnork Souin.

    The community honored its veterans following services in the sanctuary.
    During fellowship hour later in the afternoon a special cake was presented
    by the Women's Guild.
    Click here to visit the parish website and to view photos.

    _Upcoming Parish Events _

    _Soorp Haroutiun Church | Orlando, FL_
    Soorp Haroutiun Church of Orlando, FL, will host a Christmas Bazaar from
    November 18 to 20. Enjoy Armenian food and pastries while browsing
    handicrafts, stitchery, jewelry, and other items.

    [20]Click here to view a flyer for information.

    _St. Mary Church | Washington, DC_
    The Gift Store Committee of St. Mary Church of Washington, DC, will host a
    dinner dance with singer Bartev on Saturday, November 19, beginning at 7:30

    The evening will feature a full-course dinner and a cash bar. It will be
    held in the St. Mary Church hall. Tickets are $55 per person. [21]Click here
    to view a flyer.

    To make reservations, contact Jermen Hallajian at (301) 294-0675; Rebecca
    Petrosian at (301) 758-4834; or Takuhi Hallajian at (301) 219-4041; or
    e-mail [22][email protected].
    22. mailto:[email protected]

    _Armenian Church at Hye Pointe | Haverhill, MA_
    The Armenian Church at Hye Pointe of Haverhill, MA, will host a "Holiday
    Kef" Dance on Saturday, November 19, from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. The event will
    be held at the UMass Lowell Conference Center (50 Warren Street in Lowell,

    The evening will feature Richard Hagopian and his Kef Time ensemble: Mal
    Barsamian, Jason Naroian, Bruce Girgajian, and Paul Mooradian. Maza will be

    Tickets are $45 for adults and $25 for students. For information, call:
    Richard Bazarian at (978) 374-0687, or Michael Naroian at (978) 682-3946.

    _St. Mary Church | Hollywood, FL _
    St. Mary Church of Hollywood, FL, will host an Argentinean BBQ & Tango Night
    on Saturday, November 19.

    The event will feature music by the Mediterranean Band, dinner, tango
    performances, and tango lessons. All ages are welcome. For reservations,
    contact the church office at (954) 450-5578, or e-mail [23][email protected].
    23. mailto:[email protected]

    _St. Vartan Armenian Cathedral | New York, NY _
    St. Vartan Armenian Cathedral of New York City will host a Thanksgiving
    luncheon following services on Sunday, November 20.

    The luncheon will take place in the Vartan Hall of the cathedral complex. It
    is organized by the Rev. Fr. Mardiros Chevian, cathedral dean, and the St.
    Vartan Cathedral Council. For more information, or to RSVP, contact Dn.
    Sebuh Oscherician at (212) 686-0710, ext. 141.

    The cathedral council is also sponsoring a food drive (non-perishable items
    only) between November 10 and December 23. For more information, contact Dn.

    _Holy Trinity Church | Cambridge, MA_
    Holy Trinity Church of Greater Boston will host the Trinity Christmas Bazaar
    on Friday, December 2 (3-9 p.m.), and Saturday, December 3 (10 a.m.-7 p.m.).

    Enjoy kebab dinners (shish, losh, chicken, and combo) and kheyma (for
    Saturday lunch only); an a la carte menu and take-out meals; and vendor
    booths. [24]Click here to view a bazaar flyer. Children are invited to
    Santa's Playland. [25]Click here to view a flyer.

    For information, call the church office at (617) 354-0632, or e-mail
    [26][email protected].
    26. mailto:[email protected]

    _Church of Our Saviour | Worcester, MA_
    The Church of Our Saviour of Worcester, MA, will host a Christmas Festival
    on Friday, December 2 (5-9 p.m.), and Sunday, December 4 (12-5 p.m.), in the
    church's Cultural Center.

    Enjoy delicious Armenian food and pastries from the country store=80'including
    yalanchi, toorshi, Armenian cheese, and other delicacies-browse vendor
    booths and take part in raffles. On Sunday, dance to the Eddie Melikian
    Ensemble and stay for the arrival of Santa.

    For information, e-mail [27][email protected], or call the church
    office at (508)-756-2931.
    27. mailto:[email protected]

    _St. Thomas Church | Tenafly, NJ _
    St. Thomas Church of Tenafly, NJ, will host a children's show featuring
    "Taline, Friends, and Santa" on Saturday, December 3, from 1 to 4 p.m. The
    program will include a performance and lunch. Tickets are $28. [28]Click
    here to view a flyer for more information.

    _St. Peter Church | Watervliet, NY _
    The Women's Guild of St. Peter Church of Watervliet, NY, will host a two-day
    Holiday Bazaar on December 3 and 4 in the church's Gdanian Auditorium.

    The weekend event will feature a pantry sale of delicious gourmet items,
    such as manti, kufte, choreg, boreg, string cheese, paklava, and more. The
    festivities will also include vendors selling an array of items. [29]Click
    here for more information.

    _St. Gregory the Enlightener Church | White Plains, NY_
    St. Gregory the Enlightener Church of White Plains, NY, will celebrate the
    40th anniversary of its Sunday and Armenian schools on Sunday, December 4.

    The day will begin with the celebration of the Divine Liturgy by Archbishop
    Yeghishe Gizirian and the ordination of three young men to the rank of
    acolyte and sub-deacon. A banquet will follow in the church's Tutak Hall.


    Armenian Cross

    _Oriental Orthodox Concelebration on Saturday_

    The Standing Conference of Oriental Orthodox Churches will sponsor the
    Oriental Orthodox Concelebration of the Divine Liturgy on Saturday, November
    19, beginning at 9 a.m.

    The service will take place at the Coptic Orthodox Church of Archangel
    Michael and St. Mena in Staten Island, New York (4095 Amboy Road).

    The Standing Conference of Oriental Orthodox Churches is comprised of the
    Armenian, Coptic, Ethiopian, and Syrian Orthodox Churches. The public is
    invited to participate in Saturday's service.

    The Aryan Myth: Htiler and Armenians

    _Zohrab Center to Host Two Events in December_

    The Diocese's Krikor and Clara Zohrab Information Center will host two
    events next month in the Guild Hall of the St. Vartan Cathedral Complex (630
    Second Avenue in New York City).

    Dr. Vartan Matiossian will give a talk titled `The Aryan Myth, Hitler, and
    the Armenians' on Thursday, December 1, beginning at 7 p.m. [30]Click here
    to view a flyer for more information.
    30. 3aa2e2c3e9

    The Center will screen `Aram Khachaturian: A Documentary' on Thursday,
    December 8, beginning at 7 p.m. An introduction to the 45-minute film will
    be given by its producer, the master pianist Å=9Eahan Arzruni. [31]Click here
    to view a flyer.


    2011 ACYOA Leadership Conference
    Students of the Diocese's Khrimian Lyceum.

    _Khrimian Lyceum to Travel to Massachusetts_

    The Diocese's Khrimian Lyceum will make an educational trip to the Greater
    Boston area on November 19 and 20.

    The program for students and parents will include visits to the Armenian
    Library and Museum of America (ALMA), Project SAVE, and Armenian Heritage
    Park. The group will also attend the 25th anniversary performance of the
    Sayat Nova dance group in Waltham, MA.

    On Sunday, November 20, the group will take part in the celebration of the
    Divine Liturgy at St. James Church of Watertown, MA, and join local ACYOA
    members for dinner.

    The Khrimian Lyceum is a language and cultural program for Armenian
    students ages 12-18. For more information about the lyceum, contact Gilda
    Buchakjian, the Diocese's Armenian Studies coordinator, at
    (212) 686-0710, ext. 148.


    The Diocese's e-Newsletter will not be published on Thanksgiving Day,
    Thursday, November 24. We look forward to resuming e-Newsletter publication
    on Thursday, December 1.

    To send a Thanksgiving e-card to your family and friends, visit our
    Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern)
    630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
    Phone: (212) 686-0710 | Fax: (212) 779-3558
    Web: [33]
