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Turkish Maj. Gen. Flees To Russia To Avoid Arrest

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  • Turkish Maj. Gen. Flees To Russia To Avoid Arrest


    November 18, 2011 - 21:25 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - Istanbul court issued an arrest warrant in August
    as part of a probe regarding the establishment of several websites
    that allegedly ran propaganda campaigns against civilian groups

    Maj. Gen. Mustafa Bakici, for whom an Istanbul court issued an arrest
    warrant in August as part of a probe regarding the establishment
    of several websites that allegedly ran propaganda campaigns against
    civilian groups on behalf of the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK), has fled
    to Russia to evade arrest, Turkish media reported on Friday, Nov 18.

    Bakici, who was the commander of the 23rd Border Division Command,
    was assigned to a desk job at the Land Forces Command's inspection
    department during this year's Supreme Military Council (YAS) due to
    his suspected involvement in the anti-government website campaign. He
    was among the 14 suspects for whom the Istanbul 13th High Criminal
    Court issued arrest warrants as part of the investigation on Aug. 8
    after an indictment prepared by the prosecutor overseeing the case
    was accepted by the court.

    After an appeal he filed against the arrest warrant was rejected, he
    was hospitalized at the Gulhane Military Academy of Medicine (GATA)
    shortly after the arrest warrant was issued and had recently been
    released from GATA. He began his new position at the Land Forces
    Command but submitted a petition for one month of leave that was
    approved by his superiors. The general's whereabouts have been unknown
    since then.

    Bakici, who refused to turn himself in to prosecutors, reportedly
    submitted a petition to the Land Forces Command via his wife and
    requested retirement. Although the General Staff's legal department
    opposed his retirement on the grounds that the general should have been
    handed over to civilian prosecutors and that approving his retirement
    would be illegal, his petition for retirement was approved in the
    end and he retired on Sept. 20.

    After Bakici's family said they didn't know where he was, police
    informed border gates and airports of the situation and discovered
    that Bakici had left the country and fled to Russia through northern
    Iraq. He was also discovered to have withdrawn all the money from
    his bank accounts, which some reports say amounted to TL 300,000,
    before his escape.

    Bakici is among the key suspects in the ongoing investigation into the
    alleged anti-government websites. The investigation into the propaganda
    websites began in 2010 based on evidence found in the home of retired
    Col. Hasan Ataman Yildirim, another suspect in the website case. Later,
    an anonymous tipster from inside the military sent an email to inform
    the public and the prosecutors that the General Staff had established
    42 websites for the sole purpose of disseminating propaganda about
    the government and religious communities.

    There are a total of 22 suspects in the propaganda website case who
    are being accused of attempting to overthrow the government and of
    leading and being a member of an armed terror organization. They are
    also accused of categorizing military officers according to their
    religious or political beliefs, possibly for future reference.

    Fourteen officers on active duty, four retired military officers and
    a public servant have been accused in the indictment.

    The content of the websites indicates that they were used as part of
    the Action Plan to Fight Reactionaryism allegedly drafted by Col.

    Dursun Cicek. Cicek's suspected plan of action details a military
    plan to destroy the image of the ruling Justice and Development Party
    (AK Party) and the faith-based Gulen movement in the eyes of the
    public, play down the Ergenekon investigation and gather support
    for members of the military arrested as part of the investigation
    into Ergenekon, a clandestine organization nested within the state
    and bureaucracy accused of plotting to overthrow the government,
    Today's Zaman reported.
