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Review: Opera singer/pianist are the cat's meow

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  • Review: Opera singer/pianist are the cat's meow

    Nov 19 2011

    Review: Opera singer/pianist are the cat's meow

    By Christine Pilgrim - Vernon Morning Star

    The first encore, The Cat Duet, performed by soprano Isabel
    Bayrakdarian and husband, pianist/composer Serouj Kradjian, delighted
    the audience so much that they demanded a second encore at the North
    Okanagan Community Concert Association's Wednesday presentation at the
    Performing Arts Centre.

    According to Bayrakdarian, this duet, usually sung by two sopranos,
    reflected the ups and downs of touring life for a husband and wife
    team. It was deliciously tongue-in-cheek and perfectly timed as was
    everything the couple performed, whether comic or tragic, solo or duo,
    with work by Franz Liszt?, Hector Berlioz? or Kradjian himself in a
    program that ran the gamut from classical to opera to folk songs and

    And The Cat Duet crowned it all. From his seat at the Steinway,
    Kradjian not only enhanced every perfect note that fell from his
    wife's lips, but he interjected meows of his own. Once, the two even
    spat (cat like) at each other, before purring into Bayrakdarian's
    final immaculate high note, `Meee...,' which proceeded to cascade down
    the scale into its `eeeooooooow,' bringing everyone to their feet

    Vernon is blessed to have guest performers of this calibre.

    Emotional integrity and acting finesse were balanced by the technical
    brilliance of these two Canadians of Armenian heritage.

    When Kradjian played his composition Homage to Gomidas, which honoured
    the priest, pianist, choir director and singer who collected some
    4,000 Armenian folk songs before he lost his mind as a result of
    witnessing the atrocities of the 1915-23 Armenian Genocide, his
    Armenian spirit shone through his performance. So did Bayrakdarian's
    when she sang a mother's farewell to her child who, like countless
    others, died as a result of the Armenians' forcible eviction by
    Ottoman Imperialists.

    But sadness was short lived with these two experts at managing the
    crowd. Apart from their outstanding musicality, they looked
    magnificent on stage: he in his designer shirts and she in stunning
    gowns, by Atelier Rosemary Umetsu, that drew gasps of appreciation.

    Another moment of sadness, evoked by the death of Shakespeare's
    Ophelia, scored originally by Berlioz for a female chorus, was offset
    by the wit and ebullience of Rossini's Barber of Seville.

    First came Kradjian's piano solo transcribed from the celebrated
    baritone aria Largo al factotum, followed by Bayrakdarian's faultless
    comedic rendition of Una voce poco fa. She remembers this aria
    fondly, as The Barber of Seville marked her opera debut. An
    understudy with Canadian Opera, she went on as Rosina on opening night
    and hasn't looked back since.

    Nor should she. Bayrakdarian is engaged to her fingertips in
    everything she sings and her command of the audience is total, whether
    with personal stories such as that of her three-year-old son's
    response to her Armenian lullaby (He suggests the key she should sing
    it in!) or the exquisite love songs she added to the program, `begging
    our indulgence.'

    Judging from their response Wednesday evening, Vernon audiences would
    `indulge' Bayrakdarian and Kradjian any time they wish to return.

    `` Christine Pilgrim is a freelance writer who reviews North Okanagan
    Community Concert Association presentations for The Morning Star.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress