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Artsakh President continues visit to U.S.

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  • Artsakh President continues visit to U.S.

    Artsakh President continues visit to U.S.

    November 19, 2011 - 13:36 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - On November18, President of Artsakh Republic Bako
    Sahakyan visited Eastern Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church in
    New York, met with Prelate of the Diocese Oshagan Choloyan, members of
    the diocesan council and representatives of the local Armenian

    Issues related to life in Artsakh, Homeland-Diaspora and
    church-society relations were discussed at the meeting.

    President of Artsakh also attended a solemn event dedicated to the
    20th anniversary of NKR independence at Holy Martyrs Armenian school
    of New York, followed by an official visit to the permanent
    representation of RA in United Nations.

    On the sidelines of the event, President Sahakyan awarded American
    philanthropist of Armenian origin Andreas Roubian with Vachagan
    Barepasht medal favoring his activity in Artsakh liberation struggle
    and his current contribution to the development of Nagorno Karabakh

    Head of the Artsakh Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church
    Archbishop Pargev Martirosyan, Head of the Central Information
    Department of the NKR President's Office David Babayan and
    representatives of Armenian-American community also attended the
    event, reported the Central Information Department of the Office of
    the Artsakh Republic President.
