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Medical interpreter guides patients, staff

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  • Medical interpreter guides patients, staff

    Medical interpreter guides patients, staff

    By Cindy Atoji Keene
    Globe Correspondent

    November 20, 2011

    Suzanne Kreiter/Globe Staff

    At Mount Auburn, Lilia Karapetyan helps bridge cultural differences
    for patients.

    Lilia Karapetyan's first experience as a medical interpreter came
    after a massive earthquake in her native Armenia in 1988. As foreign
    aid workers arrived, Karapetyan, who spoke English, volunteered to
    translate for American doctors. `Thousands were dying and many more
    injured,'' she said. `Interpreters were needed everywhere. I hope I
    helped save lives.''

    Nine years later, Karapetyan immigrated to the United States and
    settled in the Watertown area, where she was inspired to become a
    liaison between the large Armenian community and the medical system.
    Today, Karapetyan, 54, works for Mount Auburn Hospital's interpreter
    services department, translating for Armenian and Russian patients.

    `The interpreter is only the voice of the patient and doctor,'' she
    said. `You can't add your own personal emotions, feelings, or
    thoughts, otherwise the doctor doesn't know if it's the interpreter
    speaking or the patient.''

    How did you learn to speak English?

    My mother was an English teacher in Armenia, and my first English
    teacher as well.

    What sort of patients do you typically interpret for at Mount Auburn?

    Many of the Armenians moved to this country in their late 60s or 70s
    to be with children and grandchildren. Some are uneducated small
    villagers; others are highly educated architects, dentists, and
    scientists. Some can read English, but have difficulty speaking or
    understanding doctors when they talk. I have interpreted for Armenians
    from Syria, Turkey, and Armenia, of course, as well as Russians from
    Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, and Uzbekistan.

    Do you keep a log of expressions and terminology, since new terms
    arise all the time?

    I have notebooks in my home and office, and as I learn new procedures
    I add them to my vocabulary.

    What's an example of phrase that's challenging to interpret?

    When I first started I didn't understand `Can't keep anything down.''
    You just have to know what it means. The exact translation doesn't
    make too much sense.

    How can cultural misunderstandings lead to complications or problems
    in treatment?

    Sometimes a patient will refuse a cup of water with ice cubes after
    having surgery. The doctors and nurses think they are being difficult
    or are confused, but in my culture, if you are sick, you drink only
    room temperature water or tea. Another example is when patients are
    told they will be seen by a nurse practitioner, they get upset,
    thinking that a `practicing'' nurse, not a real one with a license, is
    going to experiment with their treatment.

    My job is not only to interpret, but to be patients' guide to the
    American medical culture.

    From: Baghdasarian