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Indian-Armenian IT centre opens in Yerevan

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  • Indian-Armenian IT centre opens in Yerevan

    Indian-Armenian IT centre opens in Yerevan

    12:05 - 20.11.11

    An India-Armenia centre of excellence (COE) in information and
    communication technology (ICT) has been inaugurated by the Centre for
    Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), Times of India reported.

    The centre has been set up at the Yerevan State University and will
    have access to the 'Param' supercomputer. It will be mainly used for
    scientific research in areas such as weather forecasting,
    bioinformatics and oceanography among others.

    The COE is a joint initiative between the Indian and Armenian government.

    C-DAC has also trained the centre's teachers to use the system.
    Armenia's Prime Minister Tigrsan Sargsyan said during launch that the
    "centre will carry out new research work that is expected to focus on
    20 sectors".

    The objective of the COE is to expand cooperation in the field of
    information technology, create a special climate for ICT professional
    education and conduct research and to leverage opportunities in ICT
    sector to achieve development.

    "Under this COE, a scientists exchange programme will be conducted
    between the two countries, for meaningful purposes and share knowledge
    in high performance computing," said Goldi Misra, group coordinator
    and head, HPC Solutions Group.

    The Centre will offer short and long-term certified training in
    various IT related areas.

    Hemant Darbari, executive director, C-DAC, said, the "centre will seek
    to deepen bilateral cooperation in the IT industry and promote the
    involvement of world-class IT workforce in India and Armenia in joint
    research projects to mutually benefit both nations".
