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Dink suspect father says state had hand in plot

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  • Dink suspect father says state had hand in plot

    Dink suspect father says state had hand in plot

    09:31 ¢ 15.11.11

    The father of one of the suspects in the Hrant Dink murder case
    claimed Sunday that his son was cajoled by state officials to murder
    Dink and threatened to name names.

    Bahattin Hayal, the father of suspect Yasin Hayal, who allegedly
    instigated the hitman Ogun Samsat to assassinate Dink, expressed doubt
    that the case would be resolved in its entirety, reported,
    citing the Hurriyet Daily News.

    `I am in full agreement with the Dink family's lawyers. I do not
    believe that the dark side of this case will truly come to light. I
    cannot look at the faces of the Dink family; it gives me pain,'
    Bahattin Hayal told reporters Sunday after the hearing, according to
    Reportedly, minutes before the latest hearing on the Dink case,
    Bahattin Hayal asked to act as a witness, saying he had important
    information. His request was denied. `They warned me that I would find
    myself in trouble. I told them that I had shared the truth with them,
    but they forced me to change my testimony,' Hurriyet quoted Nahattin
    Hayal as saying.

    The suspect's father calimed that a high-ranking official in the
    southeastern province of Mardin has frequently transmitted messages to
    him through an intermediary, adding that he would share that
    information with the public in near future.

    Hayal said the person who coerced his son to kill Dink should reveal
    the true identity of his superiors and their connections to the state.

    In another development in the Dink case, there are just over two
    months left until the phone records relevant to the case are to be
    erased. Turkey's Telecommunications Directorate (TÄ°B), which possesses
    the records, has refused two court orders to produce the records. A
    higher court order for the records resulted in TIB to issue its own
    set of demands, again delaying the request.Phone records are only kept
    for five years, meaning authorities must convince TÄ°B to release the
    transcripts by Jan. 19, 2012, the fifth anniversary of Dink's murder.

    The Malatya deputy of the main opposition Republican People's Party
    (CHP) has accused the country's Telecommunications Directorate (TÄ°B)
    of attempting to hamper the Dink case and accusing the ruling Justice
    and Development Party (AKP) of standing behind the body's actions.

    `Nearly all state institutions are working to prolong the [trial]
    process and to make [people] forget about the murder, rather than
    trying to shed light on it,' CHP deputy Veli AÄ?baba told members of
    the press in Parliament.

    The TÄ°B's behavior bordered on the negligent and intentional, AÄ?baba
    said, adding that he TÄ°B's temerity comes from the fact that its
    president is protected by the

    From: A. Papazian