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Armenia To Apply Circular Migration Principle

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  • Armenia To Apply Circular Migration Principle


    In mentioning circular migration one should mention the migration
    background, and Armenia should integrate in it as soon as possible.

    "Emigration trends can still be observed, but not on a large-scale,"
    Gagik Yeganyan, Head of the Migration Service of Armenia, said at a
    conference on circular labor migration in Yerevan, Nov. 21.

    Referring to independent experts, he said that emigrants numbered 1.2m
    to 1.3m in 1991-2007. Specifically, massive emigration was registered
    1991 to 2001 ~V emigrants numbered 1.1m. Also, a total of 150,000
    emigrants were registered 2002 to 2007.

    Most of the emigrants were labor migrants. Most of them left for Russia
    because they had no jobs or prospects in Armenia. Eight per cent of
    them left for Ukraine and Belarus, 10% to the United States and 7%
    to other states.

    Money transfers from Russia to Armenia have shown an annual increase
    of 20% since 2001. In 2007, money transfers amounted to $1.63bn. This
    January-September, they showed a 23% increase," Yeganyan said.

    According to him, circular labor migration is an EU-authored concept,
    its aim being to facilitate labor migrants' entry to the countries
    and getting benefits from it.

    Yeganyan is sure that, in the case of circular labor migration,
    migrants will direct funds to their native lands and gain working

    The EU member-states, which developed the circular migration
    concept, have the necessary laws and agreements, which are grounds
    for optimism over the application of this concept in Armenia. "In
    2010, we developed a migration policy concept which envisages the
    application of circular migration in Armenia. We are ready to sign
    relevant bilateral agreements," Yeganyan said.

    From: A. Papazian