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Armenian Genocide Scholars' Joint Book Published

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  • Armenian Genocide Scholars' Joint Book Published


    November 22, 2011 - 11:17 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - A book entitled Judgment at Istanbul: The Armenian
    Genocide Trials was published by Berghahn Books of New York and Oxford.

    In the aftermath of its disastrous defeat in WWI, Ottoman Turkey
    had to face the wartime crime of the destruction of its Armenian
    population. An inquiry commissioned by the Ottoman government in 1919
    presented enough preliminary evidence to organize a series of trials
    involving the perpetrators of these crimes. It is the record of these
    trials and the unparalleled details they provide on the planning and
    implementation of these heinous crimes that has brought together the
    two most renowned scholars of the Armenian Genocide, Professors Vahakn
    Dadrian and Taner Akcam, in their first joint publication.

    After years of research and analysis, the authors have compiled for
    the first time in English the complete documentation of the trial
    proceedings and have set these findings in their historical and legal
    context, Zoryan Institute announced.

    In describing the book, Prof. Dadrian commented, "This is a most
    important work, for two reasons. First, it is based on authentic
    Turkish documentation, which the Ottoman government was forced to
    release during the trials. Second, unlike most books on the Armenian
    Genocide, which are historical interpretations, this study, for the
    first time is based also on the testimony of high-ranking Ottoman
    officials, given under oath, on the magnitude of the crimes against
    the Armenians, and in this sense, serves as a legal case study of
    the Armenian Genocide."

    During his more than fifty years of research on the subject, Dadrian
    discovered that the Takvim-i Vekâyi, the official Ottoman government's
    gazette, was not the only major source of information on these military
    tribunals. In fact, Renaissance, a French language Armenian newspaper
    in Constantinople at the time, reported summaries of many of the
    trial proceedings taken from the reports of the Ottoman language
    newspapers of the day, which were otherwise not accounted for in
    official government records.

    Prof. Akcam, the book's co-author, noted that "While the official
    government record lists only twelve trials, newspapers provide us
    details on sixty-three. For the first time, information from the
    Ottoman newspapers of the era has been utilized to reconstruct the
    trials. A great deal of effort was required to track down all issues
    possible of fourteen different Ottoman newspapers, which meant
    visiting many libraries in different cities. Often, the articles
    we were looking for had been cut out of the paper in one location,
    but we were able to find a copy in another location."

    The Zoryan Institute sponsored the collection of these newspapers,
    their translation and transliteration, as part of the long-term
    project known as "Creating a Common Body of Knowledge," and retains
    copies in its archives.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress