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Turkish, Armenian Businesses Explore Ties In Yerevan Forum

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  • Turkish, Armenian Businesses Explore Ties In Yerevan Forum

    Naira Bulghadarian
    Nov 22 2011

    More than 100 entrepreneurs from Armenia and Turkey explored greater
    business opportunities in each other's country during a U.S.-sponsored
    conference that began in Yerevan on Tuesday.

    The two-day forum was organized by Armenia's leading business
    association and the Chamber of Commerce of Diarberkir, the largest city
    in eastern Turkey, as part of a project to improve Turkish-Armenian
    relations financed by the U.S. government's Agency For International
    Development (USAID).

    Most of its 50 or so Turkish participants represented businesses
    operating in Diarbekir and nearby regions located not far from the
    Turkish-Armenian border. Many of them called for the quick opening of
    the frontier, something which the Turkish government makes conditional
    on the resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

    "We have long been lobbying for the opening of the Turkish-Armenian
    border," said Diadin Gezer, deputy chairman of the Diarbekir Chamber
    of Commerce. "Countries around the world do at least 60 percent of
    their trade with their neighbors."

    Gezer and other entrepreneurs agreed that Turkish-Armenian commercial
    ties can grow even in the absence of diplomatic relations and an open
    border between the two estranged nations. Firat Aslan, a chocolate
    manufacturer from Diarberkir, said this would only facilitate the
    eventual normalization of Turkish-Armenian relations.

    "If Turkish-Armenian economic relations develop, then pressure on
    the two states will grow and they will open the border," Aslan told
    RFE/RL's Armenian service (

    A memorandum of understanding signed by Gezer and Arsen Ghazarian,
    chairman of the Armenian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs,
    envisages that the two business groups will promote direct links
    between their members and greater commerce between the two neighboring

    Armenia - Turkish and Armenian businesswomen at a conference in
    Yerevan, 22Nov2011.â~@~Kâ~@~KWith Ankara keeping the border closed
    since 1993, the bulk of Turkish-Armenian trade is carried out via

    According to official Armenian statistics, it grew by almost 19
    percent to $168.8 million in the first nine months of this year.

    Turkish exports to Armenia accounted for over 99 percent of this
    figure because of Ankara's unofficial ban on imports of goods from
    Armenia. Businesspeople say Armenian products are usually re-exported
    to the Turkish market through Georgia and other third countries.

    Speaking at the Yerevan conference, Noyan Soyak, an Istanbul-based
    businessman affiliated with the Turkish-Armenian Business Council
    (TABC), estimated the annual volume of bilateral commerce at around
    $300 million. He said this figure can quickly be tripled.

    Founded in the early 1990s, the TABC is the only organization uniting
    Turkish and Armenian businesspeople. Its Turkish members also favor
    an unconditional normalization of Turkish-Armenian ties.

    Participants spent the first day of the conference introducing their
    firms and promoting their products. "We have come here to invite
    Armenian entrepreneurs to Turkey and foster exchange of Armenian and
    Turkish goods," said Gafur Turkay, an ethnic Armenian executive of
    a Diarbekir-based insurance firm.

    Some Armenian manufacturers are already involved in such exchange.

    Samvel Gasparian said his Artsocks textile company has imported
    Turkish raw materials for the past three years. "Since this sector
    is very developed in Turkey ... we should look into their experience
    and find partners there," he told RFE/RL's Armenian service.

    Another businessman, Gagik Bostanjian, said his Lux shoe company
    mainly imports shoe components from Russia and would like to find
    cheaper suppliers in Turkey.

    As part of the USAID project implemented by several Armenian
    non-governmental organizations, the business forum will be followed
    by a Turkish-Armenian trade exhibition in Armenia's second largest
    city of Gyumri. About 80 Armenian and Turkish firms will display
    their products there on Thursday.
