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Agavni Karakhanyan: Participation Of Analytical Centers In Drawing O

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  • Agavni Karakhanyan: Participation Of Analytical Centers In Drawing O

    by David Stepanyan

    Thursday, November 24, 16:20

    Interview of director of Institute for Civil Society and Regional
    Development Agavni Karakhanyan with ArmInfo news agency

    What the key foreign policy vectors of Armenia are priority today?

    The modern geo-political realities raise exclusive standards to
    choosing of the ways of political development of Armenia. This choice
    is especially important when forming the foreign policy doctrine. We
    are forced to form it in the always changing international and
    regional political conditions, to look for acceptable formats of
    cooperation in the conditions of transformation of the whole system
    of international relations. The foreign political landscape, in
    which Armenia is forced to act, requires correlation of interests
    of its neighboring states - Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkey and Iran,
    the interests of close and distant interested states in the bilateral
    format as well as multilateral relations within the frames of such
    structures like CIS, CSTO, as well as international organizations -
    EU, NATO and others. The present geo-political situation is not simple
    for Armenia. Being the strategic partner of Russia in the region,
    at the same time Armenia supports economical and political relations
    with Iran, which Washington has serious pretensions to.

    Armenia also has historically conditioned unacceptable relation
    with Turkey, US ally on NATO. And finally, Armenia is linked with
    Azerbaijan, which enters the zone of the political and oil interests
    of the USA, on the Karabakh issue. The situation is not so simple in
    the political atmosphere of relations between the countries of the
    South Caucasus region as well, which often trace mutually exclusive
    strategic interests and, as a rule, have differing from each other
    conceptions regarding settlement of the conflicts of the region.

    How much harmonic is the foreign political course of Armenia? And
    does it find room in the situation described by you ?

    In the context of above mentioned conditions, the foreign political
    course of Armenia, which has recently gained more active and
    "attacking" nature, on the one hand, has resulted in raising of
    attention of the world community to the republic, but on the other
    hand, has caused serious criticism of various political forces
    within the country. The discussions and arguments are held around
    specific actions by Armenian Foreign Ministry, the principle of
    complementarity, which was officially fixed in Armenian FM like the
    key way for settlement of foreign political problems. And although
    the elements of the democratic content, the bright demonstration of
    which became public discussions on Armenian-Turkish Protocols, are
    more and more actively displayed in the political culture of Armenia,
    nevertheless, the main argument on the foreign policy issues is held
    between the politicians, and finally, solutions are taken only on the
    basis of conclusions made by the political elite and Foreign Ministry.

    Are there human resources which are not used by the people coordinating
    foreign political line of Armenia?

    In the not so simple, quickly changing and non-standard situation
    in the region and in the world, the foreign political challenges of
    Armenia or the problems of its economic and foreign trade development
    cannot and should not be resolved only by means of political will and
    conjecture. These issues require the complex approach and solutions.

    The multi vector of the political process, availability of numerous
    suddenly displayed factors, including the subjective ones, the
    difficulties in the region and at the world arena, have been creating
    the situations which require at least the "competent" foreign political
    approach. We think that in such conditions one can and should "let in
    a fresh stream" in the process of making solutions in foreign policy,
    "join" analysts and experts which have been dealing with these issues
    at the professional level. Such involvement of experts should be
    of the permanent and stable nature. This is necessary for providing
    of effectiveness of the solutions as well as for overcoming of the
    stereotypes in the political mentality and public opinion. All these
    are vitally important factors of civil society establishment in
    Armenia and the relevant democratic ways of affecting foreign policy.

    Will this "fresh stream" lead to the high quality changes in the
    foreign policy of the republic?

    I think, it will, as the problems of foreign policy of Armenia
    are interesting for foreign organizations , let's say, like an
    investigation held by them under the financial support by the Norwegian
    Institute for International Relations within the frames of the project
    Regional Competence Building for Think Tanks in the South Caucasus and
    Central Asia. For this reason, the assessments of Armenian experts
    should always be in the center of attention of Armenian Foreign
    Ministry and they should always apply to the analysts. The experts,
    which have enough intellectual potential and experience, may strictly
    form foreign political goals, place them in the context of the world
    processes and moods, and in such a way to form public moods not only
    in Armenia but outside it as well.

    Participation of the analytical centers and expert community in
    drawing out of the foreign political conceptions and actions of
    Armenia at the world arena should become an indivisible element of the
    political practice of the country. The expert community of professional
    analysts like a part of the elite of the civil society of Armenia is
    able to affect formation of the foreign political priorities of the
    republic. We can start this process from discussion of the foreign
    political conception of Armenia in wide public and analytical circles.
