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BAKU: Goran Lennmarker: "It Is Time For Resolution Of Nagorno Karaba

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  • BAKU: Goran Lennmarker: "It Is Time For Resolution Of Nagorno Karaba


    Nov 25 2011

    "First of all that it is question of the public opinion in Azerbaijan
    and in Armenia to have a debate about acceptance of the solution that
    is good for people of the both countries"

    Stockholm. M. Guliyeva - APA. APA's interview with former president
    of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, chairman of the Jarl Hjalmarson
    Foundation Goran Lennmarker

    - How do you estimate the current situation around the settlement of
    the Nagorno Karabakh conflict?

    - First of all, I think that it is time for resolution of Nagorno
    Karabakh conflict. Three things I would like to underline. First
    of all that it is question of the public opinion in Azerbaijan and
    in Armenia to have a debate about acceptance of the solution that is
    good for people of the both countries, because the negotiation process
    must be accepted by the people of Azerbaijan and also by the people
    of Armenia. Otherwise there will be no solution and if there is no
    solution the status quo will be gone and a lot of people will suffer.

    In Azerbaijan 700.000 up to one million people that should have the
    right to go back to their property, to visit the graves. Even perhaps
    if the most will stay in Baku, they should have the get back their
    property, their ancient home because it is their fundamental right.

    And I think that it is time in Azerbaijan to have a debate on that.

    Because there is a possibility for the solution that is not only for
    refugees who wish to come back. Another thing from the outside that
    Europe could do more is that I think to give membership perspective
    to Azerbaijan and Armenia and Georgia in the European Union. Then
    it is up to Azerbaijan if it wishes to use it, it is voluntarily and
    you must wish it yourself, but there is should be a perspective for
    the European membership and insertion to reach a solution.

    - Can Europe propose anything aside membership perspective?

    - No, if there is should be a negotiated solution, it should be
    depended on the negotiation process between the two countries. From
    the outside we can help to support but the solution cannot be imposed
    from the outside.

    It must be negotiated. It must be a solution which is accepted by the
    both sides, in other words, the compromise. Nobody will be 100% happy
    because it is the nature of it. I think that the discussion between
    Armenia and Turkey could be helpful, and here I have a different
    opinion with the leadership of Azerbaijan. Because I think that
    could help the solution. If they could get through their complicated
    history in the whole manner, I think that could be a good thing for
    Nagorno-Karabakh. That could help for the solution, because this is
    the European experience. We all have in a war, for example Sweden had
    12 wars with Denmark, 9 wars with Russia and many wars with Poland
    and Germany. This is a typical European history of the conflicts,
    and we have to learn to live together with the bothers that are very
    debatable and discussed.

    What about Russian role in this conflict

    We should have Russia there as a part of the Minsk Group because
    that is important. The most important thing is that we could get the
    solution to the Nagorno Karabakh which will help to the whole Caucasus
    region. Perhaps also help Russia to have more Russian policy towards
    its own part of Caucasus, I mean the north part of Caucasus which
    from the Russian point of view is a big problem.
