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Russia's Fruitless Efforts

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  • Russia's Fruitless Efforts

    Russia's Fruitless Efforts

    Igor Muradyan
    Story from News:

    Published: 22:02:31 - 26/11/2011

    Russia is facing the bitter reality - Turkey is keeping a distance from
    Russia to please the United States. Ankara makes no statements, the Turkish
    media prefer not to comment on this circumstance. Certainly, turkey will
    try to maneuver within the permitted scope and hopes to get more than
    appears possible in this stage.

    Turkey views Russia as a possible partner which is always ready to hug any
    Turkish proposal, and Turkey has reason for that. It should be noted that
    Turkey did not get from the relations with Russia what it needed because
    Moscow demanded more accessible guarantees for future but the notion of
    `future' does not fit the Turkish foreign policy.

    Turkish politicians are trying to avoid so-called long-term strategic
    relations with the great powers because they have no vision of their own
    future, even the nearest future. For the Turks it is important to keep the
    freedom of foreign political maneuvers, which is considered as a basic
    principle of Turkey's multifaceted goals.

    However, Russia cannot afford to build relations on short-term agreements
    with Turkey and other states, especially if energy infrastructures and
    supplies are concerned.

    Such a mode of relations, in which long-term goals are considered primary,
    favors the United States because the U.S. policy has a global nature, and
    long-term commitments may not favor the Americans.

    The United States built and conducts a situational policy on Turkey,
    considering that even if Turkey desires independence, it cannot survive
    without the assistance and support of the United States, NATO,
    international financial organizations.

    At the same time, Russia takes steps which are intended not to let Turkey
    go to farther. For this purpose, Russia uses intellectual resources,
    organizes conferences and forums where the idea of archaism of certain
    visions is expressed always, connected with the historical stereotypes, and
    first of all the issues of Armenia are taken into account.

    In the relations with Turkey, Russia continues to use the `Armenian
    resource' to `hand over' the interests of Armenia, this is beyond doubt.
    This task was assigned not only to some centers in Moscow but also the
    Russian embassies in those regions where problems may occur in regard to
    the activities of Armenians.

    There are signs that in parallel with the relations with Turkey the reason
    for such a position of Russia is the `new' foreign policy which is aimed at
    getting certain partners in the West.

    It is obvious that Russia is taking steps to put strong pressure on Armenia
    using political and economic levers. Moscow thinks that they will hardly be
    able to pressure Armenia regarding the elections, which seems to be
    insulting for the Russians. It irritates the Russians.

    What is the way out? Perhaps, the pursuit of the `new' policy.
