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BAKU: Armenian residents suffer from unwise policy of their elite

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  • BAKU: Armenian residents suffer from unwise policy of their elite, Azerbaijan
    Nov 26 2011

    'Armenian ordinary residents suffer from unwise policy of their elite'
    Sat 26 November 2011 07:37 GMT | 9:37 Local Time

    News.Az interviews Milli Majlis deputy, political scientist Rasim Musabayov.

    International rating agency Moody's Investors Service has reduced the
    forecast of Armenia from stable to negative. How will the economic
    problems of Armenia affect the internal political situation in this

    Decreased country rating of Armenia means that authorities and banks
    of this country should not hope for any huge borrowings from
    international financial markets. The time of paying old debts is near,
    while Armenia has nothing to pay for them. It will be difficult to
    restructure the debts. Consequently, the authorities will reduce the
    extremely low payments and take money to pay debts from the poor
    Armenian budget. I do not believe that the working government will
    dare to press on oligarchs and seize their revenues before elections.

    In such a situation the only way out for Serzh Sargsyan is to play the
    nationalistic card and raise military hysteria. The team will likely
    stake on the slogan: Armenia should tighten the belt, accept
    difficulties to keep occupied lands'. Armenian military and criminal
    elite can take any provocative action to make it seem more persuasive.

    It is still unclear whether the National Congress headed by former
    president Levon Ter-Petrosyan dare to raise the issue of war and
    peace, the need to disavow the unrealistic plans of territorial
    invasions and adoption of compromises in Karabakh settlement amid run
    for elections. It is unclear whether he will be understood among
    Armenian voters.

    Personally, Serzh Sargsyan can take a cautious position, bringing the
    pal of Kocharyan and dashnaks to the foreground as opponents to Levon
    Ter-Petrosyan. Depending on the response of the population, Sargsyan
    will build its own presidential campaign after parliamentary

    It is clear that Armenia is to have a strained and unclear political
    year, complicated with the inevitable worsening of socioeconomic

    Deputy of the National Assembly of Armenia from the Republican Party
    of Armenia Ayk Sanosyan was outraged with the fact that the Armenian
    budget does not envisage any significant spending to support the
    predominantly Armenian province of Georgia-Javakheti. How can you
    comment on this statement and how it fits the logic of upcoming
    economic problems of Armenia?

    This example illustrates what I have already said. Instead of
    searching solutions to sharp socioeconomic and financial problems,
    Armenian politicians rival in playing the nationalistic card.

    There is no money for essential things but they make absurd and
    provocative proposals such as for example the recently voiced proposal
    in Armenia to release criminals sentenced to long terms in prison for
    grave crimes in exchange for readiness to settle in the occupied lands
    of Azerbaijan with their families. We will likely face new initiatives
    of this kind.

    Meanwhile, the fourth congress of Armenians of `Western Armenia'
    starts in Paris on 25 November. It is to last for three days. The main
    issue on the agenda is to create the parliament of `Western Armenia'.
    How can you comment on the very fact of the congress and speculations
    on Western Armenia issue?

    This is an old idea. It is attempted to actualize before the
    anniversary of the so-called `genocide of 1915'. The aim of the mark
    the role of Armenia as a party organizing international pressure on
    Turkey and set as this not the amorphous diaspora (it contains many
    people who left Armenia for economic reasons) but a pseudopolitical
    structure in a form of a self-appointed parliament of `Western
    Armenia'. It is difficult to mislead anything by these tricks. But
    Armenians are masters in historical and political mystifications. If
    this does not work, they will make up anything else.

    Turkish FM Ahmet Davutoglu stated Turkey's readiness to form a joint
    commission to study events of 1915. Official Yerevan, as expected,
    rejected the proposal, stating in the face of Edward Nalbandian that
    the proposal of the Turkish Foreign Ministry is the attempt to
    question the fact of recognition of the so-called `genocide' by
    countries and international organizations. How can you comment on the
    position of official Yerevan?

    Nalbandian and his patron Sargsyan have been harping on for long. But
    the United States and European countries treat Ankara's position with

    In conclusion, is it possible to say that it was the Armenian
    diaspora's stance which led Armenia to its current pitiful state?

    Economy and finances set the limits of irrational policy. Political
    games are limited to economy, which revenges seriously to those who
    ignore its imperatives. Those who cultivate `historical hatred and
    revenge' instead of peace and cooperation with neighbors make
    financially and demographically insufficient claims, which have no
    legal grounds. The ordinary citizens of Armenia suffer from such an
    unwise policy. They need to listen to the rare voices of reasonable
    Armenian politicians and intellectuals. But I can hardly believe that
    they will do so.

    Akper Hasanov
