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Armenian opposition rallies for president's impeachment

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  • Armenian opposition rallies for president's impeachment

    Agence France Presse
    November 25, 2011 Friday 4:24 PM GMT

    Armenian opposition rallies for president's impeachment

    YEREVAN, Nov 25 2011

    Around 3,000 Armenian opposition supporters rallied in the capital
    Yerevan on Friday to demand the resignation and impeachment of
    President Serzh Sarkisian.

    "Serzh Sarkisian seized power by falsifying the results of elections,"
    said a declaration by the Armenian National Congress opposition bloc
    claiming legal grounds for impeachment, read out at the rally by the
    alliance's coordinator, Levon Zurabian.

    Complaining of alleged institutional corruption and democratic
    failings in the impoverished ex-Soviet state, the bloc won several
    concessions from the authorities after a series of larger rallies
    earlier this year, but a week-long tent camp protest ended without
    results last month.

    Turnout at Friday's protest was significantly smaller than at previous
    demonstrations amid freezing weather in Yerevan.

    The opposition bloc's leader, former Armenian president Levon
    Ter-Petrosian, repeated his demand for snap elections but also said
    the alliance needed to win parliamentary seats at polls due year to
    achieve its goals.

    A governing coalition lawmaker said however that the bloc, which
    currently has no parliamentary seats, was indulging in pre-election
    propaganda after failing to oust the government.

    "Now it is clear that none of the extra-parliamentary opposition's
    predictions came true," lawmaker Eduard Sharmazanov told AFP.

    Armenia has been through political and military turmoil since
    independence from the Soviet Union in 1991, with a series of disputed
    elections and a war with neighbouring Azerbaijan over the region of
    Nagorny Karabakh.

