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EU - Armenia Coop Council Twelfth meeting, Brussels, 25 November 201

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  • EU - Armenia Coop Council Twelfth meeting, Brussels, 25 November 201

    Targeted News Service
    November 25, 2011 Friday 10:58 AM EST

    EU - Armenia Cooperation Council Twelfth meeting, Brussels, 25 November 2011


    The European Union's European Council issued the following news release:

    The Cooperation Council between the European Union and the Republic of
    Armenia held its twelfth meeting on Friday 25 November 2011. The EU
    was represented by Mr Mikolaj Dowgielewicz, State Secretary for
    European Affairs of Poland, acting on behalf of the High
    Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy,
    Catherine Ashton, and Mr Stefan Fule, Commissioner for Enlargement and
    European Neighbourhood -Policy. The Armenian delegation was led by Mr
    Edward Nalbandian, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of
    Armenia, acting as chair of the Cooperation Council meeting.

    This meeting took place following the recent visit of HRVP Ashton to
    Yerevan on 16-17 November which confirmed the EU's commitment to
    reinforcing links with the region. The Cooperation Council reviewed
    progress on the settlement of the Nagorno- Karabakh conflict. The EU
    reaffirmed that the status quo is unacceptable and that the solution
    of this conflict remains a top priority.

    Both sides reiterated their support to the efforts deployed by the
    OSCE Minsk Group. The EU confirmed its determination to strengthen its
    support to and co-operation with the Minsk Group, notably through
    further confidence building measures. The EU expressed concern at the
    increasing number of incidents at the line of contact and called on
    all sides to reduce tension and abstain from strong rhetoric.

    The Cooperation Council underlined the need to remain focussed on and
    speed up the implementation of the European neighbourhood policy
    action plan. The Cooperation Council provided a good opportunity to
    take stock of latest developments in the South Caucasus, as well as to
    review recent political and economic reforms in Armenia. In this
    context the Cooperation Council took note of the new and ambitious
    reform efforts of Armenia, bringing together important priorities of
    EU-Armenia relations, including preparations for a Deep and
    Comprehensive Free Trade Area, cooperation in the domain of justice,
    liberty and security as well as democratic reforms. The EU confirmed
    its readiness to engage with Armenia in an EU-Armenia partnership for

    The EU recalled the importance of continuing progress on the matters
    of democracy, rule of law and human rights. In view of the deepening
    bilateral relations between the EU and Armenia in the framework of the
    Eastern Partnership, the EU encouraged Armenia to step up reforms in
    these fields.

    The EU noted progress in the situation of human rights and fundamental
    freedoms in Armenia and underlined that these elements are essential

    components in the bilateral relationship and in the framework of the
    Eastern Partnership.

    The EU reaffirmed its readiness to continue its support for the
    further development of democratic institutions in Armenia.

    The two sides expressed satisfaction with the on-going negotiations on
    the Association Agreement. The EU confirmed that negotiations on a
    deep and comprehensive free trade area (DCFTA) would start as soon as
    Armenia meets the necessary conditions, as set out in the Commission's
    "Key recommendations". The EU also confirmed that negotiations on
    agreements on visa facilitation and readmission are expected to start
    at the beginning of

    next year. The EU also welcomed the signing by Armenia, on 27 October,
    of a mobility partnership with the EU, as an important step towards
    the strengthening of people-topeople contacts.
